The nations have made this International Law (Conventions) for
the maintenance of this normality therein: peace, democracy,
independency and development of the every nation. Unfortunately what
confirm the present situation in World (therein this silence of
these Zionistic mass-mediums) the above values are menaced for the
In the above dramatic situation this Internet
(as informative know-how) is the "only" free medium in
World (about 10 - 15% of this worldly population) which up to this
moment is not controlled (directly) by this Zionistic financial
establishment (also in USA) therefore I apply to the all Webmasters
and Web Visitors for the transfer of this very serious case (this
protest) to the others (friends, familiars) that will increase this
pressure (e- mails, letters, protests) on these own national Governments
and especially on this American Government and Congress for the
purpose of the disclosure this very serious case and thereby of
the settlement in American Supreme Court.
This is the only way of the stop this Zionistic
devastation (communist globalization) and thereby the only way of
the building this real democracy in World Therein in Europe (a building
of this real democratic United Europe).
I underline once again that in the situation
This International Law (Conventions) has
not worked and this International Law is not abiding by American
Government (Supreme Court), Congress also UNO,
The world will menace this global catastrophe caused exactly a continuation
of this irresponsible Zionistic politics (activity) in World also
on Middle East, must be undertaken the extreme activities (steps)
that to disclose this very serious case for the all as the last
chance of the issue from this dramatic situation in World therein
on Middle East what is the consequence of the above blockade and
thereby a continuation of this crazy Zionistic (financial) politics
in World.
What for ?
These Zionistic appeals (Bush and Blair
about this peace on MidEast),
These Zionistic negotiations (Zinni, Powell, Tenet's plan),
These Zionistic meetings as for example 10.04.2002 in Madrid (Annan,
Powell, Solana, Patten, Ivanov, Aznar, Pigue and others),
These present Zionistic meetings Powell's with Sharon and Arafat,
This meeting Bush with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah (oil bomb),
when it is common knowledge that these Zionistic activities (therein
these common blackmails) cannot change this dramatic situation in
World therein especially on Middle East what is the consequence
of the maintenance this Zionistic financial totalitarianism in World.
Who should stand before this real independent
International Tribunal (not this Zionistic war crimes Tribunal at
Hague) in the situation of this intentional block by American Government
(Supreme Court) and Congress my democratic and legal case as the
only solution for Poland, Europe and World?
e-mail letter to Mr. Bush's and Mr. Kwasniewski's
Americans and Europeans
wake up !
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Conclusion & Caution ! Gdynia 31.
October, 2002
Two years have passed from my protest before
Council of Europe at Strasbourg and my legal case (as the consequence
of the blockade in Poland and European Court) is further blocked
in American Supreme Court.
Taking above into consideration also the
facts that:
This friendly Zionistic meeting Mr. Bush's
and Mr. Kwasniewski's in Washington (as the last resort of the stop
this financial Zionistic worldly destruction) has nothing changed
what confirm this present tragic situation in Poland and World,
These religious Institutions therein especially Catholic Church
are not able to disclose this very serious case for Poland, Europe
and World [this dependence of these religious Institutions from
this financial (Zionistic) establishment in USA and thereby from
these Zionistic agencies in World].
This further continuation of this Zionistic financial politics in
USA will lead to of this economical and financial (Banks) catastrophe
in USA and World,
This Zionistic Administration in USA also Congress have continued
this criminal (Zionistic) manipulation by means of these Zionistic
Mass Mediums also by means of these Zionistic agencies as for example
"now" with Iraq (a change of the dictators will not change
the situation of this Iraqi nation),
In the same time these whole nations (therein especially Polish)
in World are conscious material, financial and biological exterminated
by these Zionistic bands which are controlled by this Zionistic
financial establishment in USA.
It is necessary to affirm that This is a civilized catastrophe (legal,
religious, moral, political, financial, cultural, public relations
policy and so on) which has caused that the life will lose the sense
for reason of this Zionistic irresponsibility which will lead to
of this global tragedy. In the situation of this global lawlessness
(especially now in USA) is everything possible and permissible.
Last Appeal !
In this dramatic situation when this International
Law (Conventions) has not worked the everything will may to happen
therefore the whole effort of this International society (especially
now American nation) must be directed on the disclosure of this
very serious case which to permit will return on this legal way
and thereby on the direction my case to of this US Jurisdiction
(Supreme Court) as the only way of the stop this worldly destructive
process (economical bomb) which may to explode any minute now because
the consequences of the motion this self-destructive financial mechanism
in these East European Countries and the consequences of the introduction
this substitute "euro" in these West European Countries
are transferred on this USA economy have caused the collapse of
these potentates as Enron and so on. This worldly financial system
has worked as the feedback therefore (that to stop this destructive
process) my case must be directed to US Supreme Court. This is a
last legal chance of the stop this worldly (therein American) destruction
which will lead to of this global catastrophe (consequence of the
building this totalitarian European Union with this substitute "euro").
In the situation of the irresponsibility this criminal Zionistic
(communist) agency in Europe also in the situation of the blockade
this only legal solution (my case) in US Supreme Court by this Bush's
Administration "only" from American nation depend if this
destruction (therein US economy) will be continued (global catastrophe)
or not. Has not any other way therefore this last appeal especially
to American nation.
Add 1)
I had hope so this meeting between Mr.
Bush and Mr. Kwasniewski in Washington (as a last resort) will bring
the some responsible decisions which to resolve this Polish important
question for: these East European Countries, all Europe and World
(therein US Continent). Unfortunately this Polish Zionistic agency
as the part of this Zionistic financial establishment in USA [this
great terrorist (financial) coalition has called by Mr. Bush's]
were not able to present of this real dramatic and tragic situation
the Polish nation (economy) which since 1945 year (Jalta) has born
the consequences of the introduction this crazy Zionistic (communist)
system in Poland and other East European Countries (therein East
[Unfortunately on the above friendly meeting
(also in Texas) has talked only how maintain further this Zionistic
financial control especially in Poland and Europe (Germany) and
how lead further this Zionistic play against these worldly nations
therein Polish and European. For example the purchase by this Polish
government of these old (20 years) German tanks (Leopards) before
an election in German in the situation when these Polish arms factories
have bankrupted to show how function this Zionistic financial mechanism
which has supported these Zionistic European agencies. Mr. Bush
and your companies ! If it is not a criminal Zionistic activity
directed against Polish nation ????? ]
The blockade since 1991 year of the introduction
in Poland this real democratic government system adapted to of this
free market (free trade) and Polish currency defined on the ground
of this free market index [the increase of these resources in this
financial rotation from ~240 billion zloty (in substitute) to of
4,500 billion (4.5 trillion) zloty in currency] it is the greatest
mistake in the human's history. The consequences of this unlawful
blockade it exactly:
The motion of this self-destructive
financial mechanism [within the confines "not only" of
this Polish communist system adapted to of this substitute zloty]
which has acted as the big laundry for the other currencies especially
now for dollars.
The total devastation of this all Polish economy and the sale for
abroad our properties for almost nothing under the pretext of the
enfranchisement this Polish nation (financial and material expropriation
of the Polish nation).
The beginning of the building this great European communism (European
Union) by means of this substitute (no currency) "euro".
The biological and physical extermination
of the Polish nation has caused by this material and financial expropriation
especially as the process of the building this great European (Zionistic)
The collapse of these US corporations (Enron and others) as the
consequence of this earlier collapse these East European economies
(this self-destructive financial mechanism) also in German, French,
England, Italy caused exactly by the introduction of this substitute
"euro" (these financial connections with US economy)
If in this dramatic and tragic situation when:
World will menace this economical bomb
(informative chaos, collapse of these Banks especially this American
Bank and so on),
Is possible earlier this nuclear attack on these financial (transferred)
Institutions in USA as the answer on this Zionistic financial violence
in World,
American nation may "sleep" has agreed on this criminal
Zionistic manipulation and on this fact that American boys and girls
are used as the cannon fodder for the security of this Zionistic
financial domination in USA and World?
I underline a last time that:
The present situation in Poland (also me
and my family) is dramatic and tragic ( earnings 40 - 80 $ per month/person)
therefore I am not able to live and to act normal in this present
totalitarian Polish government system which is controlled by this
criminal Zionistic (communist) band. This dramatic situation in
Poland (day by day) is worse because these financial costs (in this
substitute zloty) of the adaptation this Polish old totalitarian
(communist) structure to of this new totalitarian (communist) European
Union structure are transferred on the 90 % of this poor Polish
nation (therein especially on the pensioners and cripples).
The further continuation of the above process and the further collapse
of this Polish economy must will force this social explosion in
the all Poland.
This Zionistic (communist) band in Poland (secured legally by this
Polish communist Constitution also supported by American Government
and Congress which have blocked my case) may will use "again"
this Polish army and police against this poor Polish nation which
will be forced to protest on the streets (these tragic events in
the past).
I ask Mr.: Bush's, Ashcroft's, Powell's, Rumsfeld's, also Congressmen's
and Congresswomen's (who have accepted this US governmental politics
thereby this blockade my case in American Supreme Court) if you
will take the responsibility for these further tragedies of the
polish nation (other nations) which are unavoidable in the situation
of this blockade my case in your Supreme Court and thereby in the
situation of this further building this totalitarian European Union
Add 2)
This dependence of these religious Institutions
(Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Protestant, Judaism and others) from
this Zionistic financial establishment in USA (these Zionistic agencies
in World) is evident what confirm this silence in such tragic moment
for World. This silence of these religious Institutions it exactly
the consent on these Zionistic crimes (exterminations) which to
result from the maintenance of this Zionistic financial control
in World therein in Poland and Europe.
Catholic Church as the greatest Church
in World has represented by this Vatican Administration therein
this Polish Pope has a moral duty to of the disclosure this very
serious case for Polish nation (other East European nations), West
European nations and World. The none Zionistic blackmails (homosexual,
fires, Ambrosiano Bank or assassination attempt and others) cannot
justify this silence and thereby the participation in this Zionistic
genocide in World also on this Holy Land (Palestinian and Jewish
How the worth have these religious Institutions
(therein Catholic Church) in the situation of the deprivation them
these "fundamental roots" to of the own activity (faith,
truth and morality)?
The Polish Pope (he has done what can)
on this youth meeting in Toronto and during this visit in Poland
(after this visit Mr. Kwasniewski's in Washington) could disclose
this Polish very serious case (World waited on this declaration)
but this Polish Pope (limited by these national Zionistic Protocols
and opposition within this Vatican Administration) has not done
it in such dramatic worldly situation. If it is not a religious
catastrophe when this Polish Pope "cannot" disclose this
very serious Polish case?
Who has to break this Zionistic criminal
manipulation and thereby this conspiracy of the silence in the situation
when this International Tribunal (crimes against humanity) is no
possible calling for reason of this US blockade?
How the worth have these Nobel prize winners
(meeting in Vatican) when they remain silent in this case?
If in this dramatic situation a sight of
this Polish Pope with these sidelocks (very unpleasant) on this
poster has be a final crowning achievement of this Vatican Diplomacy
(Cardinal Sodano and others)?
Add 3)
The collapse of this US economy (Enron,
Global Crossing, WorldCom, Xerox, QWest and others) is the consequence
(for reason of these financial connections) of:
This earlier motion in Poland (other East
European Countries) this self-destructive financial mechanism as
the adaptation of this old soviet economy to of this new communism
European structure (European Union),
The introduction (with this US consent) in these West European Countries
(Germany, France, Italy, Spain and others) of this substitute "euro"
(at the cost of the withdrawal these European currencies).
There are fundamental reasons which have caused the collapse of
these West European economies and thereby of this US economy what
result from these Zionistic financial connections in World (this
infringement of the balance between the supply of US economy and
these currencies in World regulated by this monetary Institutions
as I.M.F. or Worldly Bank).
This double financial strike in this German
economy as:
This taking over of the capital control
over this East German economy at the cost of this West German economy
(the lack of these ~500 Billion Marks as a financial and material
enfranchisement of this East German nation),
This introduction by the force of this substitute "euro"
(no currency) in the above situation as the great manipulation of
this Zionistic agency in German,
had to cause the collapse of this German economy therein this industry.
These financial troubles of this German,
France, England, Italy Telecom also of these Mass mediums and Bank
systems it simply the consequences which are transferred (this earlier
taking over of the West European capital control over these East
European economies therein Bank systems) from these East European
Countries (and not only) on these West European Countries and next
on this US economy what caused the introduction of this substitute
"euro" (the lack of these European currencies).
This present worldly financial system has
worked as the feedback therefore a collapse of this US economy (therein
this Bank system) is "inevitable" in the situation of
this further continuation this criminal financial Zionistic politics
(building of this totalitarian European Union) and thereby in the
situation of this further blockade my case in US Supreme Court.
Comment !
I have explained earlier in my e-mail correspondences
that the increase of these currencies in Europe (East European Countries
therein this East German) before an introduction of this single
European currency (no substitute "euro") must be balanced
by the decrease of this US worldly supply and the increase of this
US domestic demand what may achieve "only" by the reduction
of these income taxes (increase of this demand) and by the cut of
these interest rates (new production and job's positions). Only
such solution secured this balance between these increased currencies
in Europe and this new partition of the demand between USA and Europe
(has minimized these losses in this US economy to minimum).
This cut of these interest rates ( as the
only act now Sir Greenspan's) could not balance of these losses
(demand) what resulted from the earlier taking over of this capital
control over this East European economies (material and financial
expropriation of these East European nations therein East German)
and after an introduction in West Europe of this substitute "euro".
This situation has caused "not only" this rapidly reduction
of this European (West and East) demand but especially this situation
has caused a motion in these East European Countries of this self-destructive
financial mechanism which (up to this moment) has devastated these
national economies. The consequences of this devastation these East
European economies (reduction of these fundamental demand) are transferred
exactly on these European Union economies and thereby (this financial
feedback) on this US economy. This further expansion of this substitute
"euro" on these East European Countries (vote in Ireland
and Dutch Parliament) it exactly the next stage of the centralization
this totalitarian Zionistic European Union and thereby the next
stage of the limitation this fundamental demand in the all Europe
(consequences will be transferred on this US economy). If these
Zionistic financial experts (advisers) in USA (who have supported
a building of this totalitarian European Union) are conscious what
mean this third financial strike (expansion "euro") especially
for this German economy and for all European economies therein Bank
If Mr. Bush (Junior and Senior) and your
companies (also in Congress) want will accelerate the collapse of
this US economy (therein Bank system) by the acceptation above and
by this further blockade my case in US Supreme Court what has confirmed
the preparation (carte blanche) of this Zionistic strike on Iraq
as the next great criminal Zionistic manipulation?
If they are conscious that this strike
may provoke this nuclear attack (Bin Laden) on these US financial
Institutions for reason of the deprivation these totalitarian European
Union Countries (German, French and others) also Russia of these
profits from this illegal sale (sanctions and embargo) of this Iraqi
oil (explosion of this French tanker) on these Yemen and other papers?
If they are conscious that the lack of
these illegal profits (these illegal petrodollars have not charged
of these national accounts in IMF and Worldly Bank) in these totalitarian
European Countries also in Russia will cause this rapidly decline
of these demands in Europe, Russia and others what cause this further
collapse of these US Corporations?
If really in USA has not the men who will
be able to break this Zionistic devastation of these Polish, European
and American economies and thereby this Zionistic silence of these
Mass Mediums?
Add 4)
The equation Mr. Bush to Hitler's (by this
former German Minister of Justice) in the range of this activity
(taking of these decisions) is justified in the situation of the
blockade my case (this only solution) in US Supreme Court. This
Bush's Administration also Congress similarly as this Clinton's
Administration in the situation of this blockade my very serious
case (for Poland, Europe and World) in US Supreme Court have taken
this full responsibility for these all Zionistic crimes and murders
since 1917 year until now.
These Hitlerite or Stalin(istic) crimes
and murders also this Zionistic partition of the World in Jalta
after this second war (expansion of this Zionistic communism in
Europe also in Poland) are only parts of these all Zionistic crimes
which have led to of this present dramatic situation that in the
face of this global catastrophe is no possible disclosure of this
only legal solution in these worldly Mass Mediums (criminal manipulation
directed especially now against American nation).
This criminal manipulation has led especially
by these Zionistic Mass Mediums with the use of this UNO agency
also this Nobel's Prize Institute (Mr. Nobel overturn in the grave)
led to of this drama (09/11) in N.Y. (as the warning) and this criminal
Zionistic manipulation will lead to of this global catastrophe (probably
earlier this nuclear attack) if this International society (therein
especially "now" American nation) permit on the further
continuation of this Zionistic play in World and thereby on the
further building of this totalitarian (communist) European Union
against the all worldly nations (therein Polish, European and American).
This "carte blanche" has given
Mr. Bush (on the use of these US army against Iraq) by US Congress
in the situation of the blockade my case in US Supreme Court it
simple conscious planning of these next Zionistic crimes and murders.
Maybe these Congressmen and Congresswomen who have voted for this
"carte blanche" (for the security this Zionistic business
in World) will send on this war the own children or grandsons?
Maybe they should lift the sanctions and
embargo on this Iraqi oil and will pass this bill about a direction
my case (they have known very well about this case) to US Supreme
Court that will stop this devastation of this worldly economy (therein
US and Polish economies)?
Maybe Mr. Bush and your companies (after
a disclosure my case) should occupy this American Continent as for
example: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and others that will
increase this demand by the introduction of these real democratic
government systems adapted to of these national currencies which
should be next replaced by this US dollars in accordance with this
proposed solution?
Add 5)
The consequence of a leading this financial
Zionistic politics in World therein in Europe (this worldly self-destructive
mechanism) are dramatic and tragic for reason of this Zionistic
irresponsibility especially now in USA (earlier in Poland and Council
of Europe) for reason of the blockade this only legal solution in
US Supreme Court. These consequences have born especially these
East European nations (therein Polish nation) for reason of the
adaptation these old communist structures to of this new totalitarian
(communist) European Union structure has controlled by this Zionistic
(communist, socialist and others) European Union band (Prodi, Solana,
Santer, Duisenberg and others therein alsoTrimble and Ahern). This
Zionistic (communist) band in Poland has governed the Polish nation
since 1945 year as the result of this Jaltan partition (expansion
of this soviet Zionistic communism in Europe).
This long time since 1945 year to 1989
year it centralization (therein this internal material and financial
expropriation of the Polish nation) of these governmental structures
and thereby a gradual decrease of this Polish substitute "zloty"
to minimum in this financial rotation [~ 40 billion dollars (in
this polish substitute zloty) per year for this 40 million Polish
nation] it also a period of this gradual financial addiction (red
brigades) of these West European Governments (Secret Services) from
these soviet (Zionistic) agencies. These tragic protests of the
Polish workers in 1956, 1968, 1970, 1980, 1981 (a communist martial
law against this Polish nation) are examples of these resistances
against this communist (Zionistic) violence and this gradual decrease
of this substitute zloty in this financial (central) rotation.
Since 1989 year [this secret meeting on
Malta (second Jalta) between USA (Bush Sr.) and Russia (Gorbaczov)]
until now it simply stage of the building this great communist (Zionistic)
Europe and thereby:
The centralization of these West European
structures therein the formation of this Zionistic (European Union)
Parliament in Brussels,
The sale for abroad of these Polish (other East European Countries)
properties by this Zionistic Polish band for almost nothing in the
confines of the above limited financial resources in substitute
zloty (material and financial expropriation of the Polish nation),
The taking over of this capital control by these West European Countries
(also USA) over this Polish economy (therein Bank system) also these
unnecessary tragedies on Balkans (change of these dictators),
The blockade of this Polish solution [introduction in Poland of
this real democratic government system adapted to of this new Polish
currency ~ 4,500 billion (4.5 trillion) zloty as a financial and
material enfranchisement of the Polish nation] in Council of Europe
(European Court) as the result of this understanding signed in Madrid
(consequence of this "second Jalta" on Malta) between
Mr. Solana (NATO) and Mr. Primakov (Russia) in 1997 year. It also
this great comprehensive agreement signed by Mr. Clinton's (USA)
and Mr. Santer's (European Union) which made possible this further
building of this totalitarian (communist) European Union and thereby
an introduction of this substitute "euro",
The biological and physical extermination of the Polish nation (other
East European nations) has caused exactly by this financial and
material expropriation (a motion of this self-destructive mechanism)
and thereby by this further devastation of the rest Polish economy
what must cause this social explosion in Poland,
The devastation of these West European economies (especially this
German economy) what is caused the introduction of this substitute
"euro" (a motion of this self-destructive mechanism in
the all Europe). The consequences ( a decrease of this European
demand) of the devastation these East and West European economies
are transferred on this US economy.
There are consequences of this crazy Zionistic politics and thereby
of this secret understanding on Malta between Mr. Bush (Sr.) and
Mr. Gorbaczov (Russia). President Bush (Jr.) and your Administration
after ten years from above meeting had this occasion to of the repair
these tragic mistakes but they have not used this situation what
caused this warning strike on WTC and in the reply this Zionistic
strike on Afghanistan (Zionistic terrorist coalition). This meeting
Mr. Bush's and Mr. Kwasniewski's (as a last resort of the issue
from this drama) crossed out for ever this hope on the change of
this situation what confirm this prepared strike on Iraq (further
Zionistic blackmail) and this further criminal Zionistic manipulation
in these worldly Mass Mediums therein Polish. The rejection and
blockade in American Supreme Court of this only solution in such
tragic moment for World (also for American economy) it not only
a Zionistic madness and insolence but it especially this further
conscious planning of these crimes and murders as the continuation
of this long criminal Zionistic history.
These tragic events on Bali and others
also at present this tragedy (crime) in Moscow theater (Chechyn
nation has a right to of the independence) there are first reactions
on this deprivation of these violated nations (also Russian) this
hope on the building of this real democracy in World (therein this
real democratic United Europe and real democratic Russian Federation).
For example if these Palestinian, Chechyn, Irish and Basque nations
which have fought for these own fundamental rights are terrorists?
If in the situation of this unlawful blockade
my case in US Supreme Court as the only way of the issue from this
drama Mr. Bush (Jr.) and your companies (therein Mr. Ashcroft) may
equate to Hitler's or Stalin's ?
These consequences of the devastation this
European (East and West) economy must be stopped if American nation
want to avoid this further collapse of the own economy and thereby
of this economical catastrophe. Has not any other way of the improve
these decreasing national demands therefore this case "must
be" directed to of this US Supreme Court.
At the end of the above "conclusion
and caution" I warn again Poles' who have collaborated with
this Zionistic Band in Poland against this poor Polish nation (biological
extermination) that will not be a justification for this conscious
Zionistic activity [building of this great Zionistic (communist)
Europe] which have caused a total devastation in this national Polish
economy and thereby in this financial treatment of the Polish nation.
This is simply a Zionistic (communist) crime.
If this Zionistic (communist) crime in
Poland (other East European Countries) has accepted American nation
and thereby them representatives ?
If a division of this Polish alms [~ 60
billion dollars in this substitute zloty for 40 million nation per
year instead of these ~ 950 billion dollars (financial and material
enfranchisement of the Polish nation as the part of the building
this real democratic United Europe) in this new Polish currency]
is not the Zionistic crime directed against this (Polish) humanity?
American and European (therein Polish and
German) nations wake up!!! If you want this global financial catastrophe
which will be caused exactly by the continuation of this crazy Zionistic
financial politics in World and thereby by this further building
of this totalitarian (Zionistic) European Union as the consequence
of the blockade this only legal solution in US Supreme Court and
thereby in US Mass Mediums?
Mr.: Bush (father and son), Cheney, Powell,
Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Tenet and others (therein them advisers) if
you will not afraid of this Last Judgement before which you must
stand? What the future you will prepare the world (therein the own
nation and children) by the blockade of this very serious case in
your Supreme Court and Mass Mediums?
Supplement! (11/11/2002)
After this Republicans' victory in the
midterm election in USA nothing to stand in the way that will pass
this bill about direction my case to US Supreme Court. I underline
once again this is the only legal way that will stop this worldly
destructive process (therein in USA and Poland).
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Supplement! (11/12/2002)
If really in USA, Europe and Poland have
not of these real men (with the b...s) who will be able to break
this conspiratorial Zionistic silence in these West and East Mass
Mediums and thereby who will be able to break the building (against
the all) of this communist (Zionistic) European Union with this
substitute "euro" ?
On what wait American Government (Supreme
Court) and Congress (which should secure the business of the American
nation) on the collapse (bankruptcy) of the next corporations and
companies ? When everybody knows that this Zionistic Summit (European
Union) in Copenhagen will change nothing for the evident reasons.
I underline once again that in the situation
of the blockade my case in US Supreme Court the every aid (credits
and loans) has given (for example now Turkey 5 Billion dollars and
Israel 12 billion dollars) these Zionistic agencies (Russia, China
and others) is a criminal activity directed against these violated
nations (therein Turkish and Jewish) and especially against American
nation (protection of this Zionistic business at the cost of the
American nation). If it is a first step Mr.: Snow's and Donaldson's
in this dramatic and tragic worldly situation ?
Also I remind again that without US Supreme
Court's decision is impossible the stop of this worldly economic
devastation (therein US economy) and thereby is impossible a building
of this real democracy (USE) in Europe (therein in these East and
West European Countries) with this single currency.
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Two months have passed since my last supplement
(11/12/2002) and nothing to do in this case in spite of the show
this next evidence (ITF case) which have confirmed my violence by
this Polish Government (in that time the every foreign contract
was secured by the Polish Government), Council of Europe (European
Court) and now by US Government and Congress what confirm this present
manipulation in mass mediums (Zionistic propaganda about this war
with Iraq).
About this fact I have informed (to
see enclosure) Mr.: Bush's, Cheney's, Powell's, Ashcroft's,
Rumsfelds', Annan's (UN General Secretary), Guillaume's (President
UN Court) and individually I have informed about this publication
Mr:Purahit's (ITF President), Cockroft's (ITF General Secretary),
Halas' (General Secretary Panhellenic Seamen's Federation) also
Greek and British Prime Ministers'.
The silence mass mediums' in this case also this pushy Zionistic
war propaganda with the participation of this Iraqi regime cannot
change this fact that American President (Government) and Congress
have accepted in Poland this Zionistic (soviet) totalitarianism
which has the roots in this Jaltan partition and thereby they have
accepted the building of this greet totalitarian European Union
with this substitute "euro".
This is an assertion of the fact therefore once again I underline
that the first is this International Law (Conventions therein these
fundamental Human Rights) and next this International intervention
if this Iraqi regime will be blocked an introduction of this democratic
government system (adapted to of the currency) in Iraq and not inversely
what confirm this present Zionistic propaganda in World therein
in Poland.
In this situation should be appointed immediately by UN General
Secretary and Human Rights Center the "Peace's Worldly Conference"
where this case as the only should be considered by the representatives
of the nations. The further treatment US State as the private Zionistic
farm on which has met these Zionistic agents (also from Poland)
is inadmissible for reason of these present economical menaces (also
in Poland) which will cause this global financial catastrophe and
thereby tragedies.For this reason I published additionally (regardless
of above) my "Web Protest" (with the new computer graphics)
on webs as: and
Once again I apply to of this International
society (therein especially WebMasters and WebSites) for the support
of this only solution (now blocked by US Government and Congress)
which will stop this worldly economical destruction in World (therein
in Poland, Europe and USA).
Who have it will do? If these Zionistic mass mediums have led this
criminal manipulation against the all.
The further documents will be published.
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Supplement ! (21/03/2003)
This is a global catastrophe if World therein
this United Nations Organization also these religious Institutions
are not able to oppose against these Zionistic mad men (Bush, Blair,
Aznar) who on Asors [over this International Law (Conventions)]
have taken a criminal decision about the strike on Iraq in the situation
when this "only" solution for World (therein Poland and
Europe) is hidden and blocked in US Supreme Court.
I present below the last e-mail correspondences have led in this
case that not admit to of this war and tragedy but unfortunately
this Zionistic war propaganda has won therefore the every person
should know that UNO the same as NATO it only the Zionistic dummies
for the security of these unlawful Zionistic activities as for example:
Balkans, Afghanistan and now Iraq.
If this worldly society will not force a removal of this Zionistic
band in USA (Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, Powel, Rice, Aschcroft, Tenet
and others) the same as this Zionistic band in England (Blair, Straw,
Hoon and others) then the any legal actions are senseless because
in World has obliged the law of jungle.In this situation is an everything
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Gdynia/ Poland
----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: International Criminal Tribunal
Cc: Kofi Annan ; UN Human Rights ; Televisivo Vaticano ; Sala Stampa
; L'Osservatore Romano ; Denny Hastert
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 10:28 PM
Subject: Human Rights
20. March, 2003
International Criminal Tribunal
Mr. Philipe Kirsch
If International Criminal Tribunal
not take the steps against this Zionistic band Aznar, Blair and
Bush's Administration (Powel, Rumsfeld, Rice, Aschcroft, Myers,
Tenet and others) for reason of this unlawful strike on Iraq than
this fact will be meant the end of this United Nations Organization
and thereby the end of this NATO structure which should be stand
on guard of this International Law. This Zionistic Band who represent
Mr. Bush Jr. must be removed immediatelly by the American Congress
and the return on this legal way is the only rescue for World. The
such steps should be taken also against these Zionistic war correspondents
especialy from CNN (Amanpour, Brown, Blitzer, John King, Robertson
and so on) also from CNBC and BBC. The evidences are represented
as below an in my internet publications. Yours Sincerely,Stanislaw
----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: UN Human Rights Committee ; UN Human Rights ; Kofi Annan ; Gilbert
Cc: ; Amnety International Turcja ;
; ; ; Amnesty International
London ; Amnesty ; ; International Criminal
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: Human Rights
URGENCY! Gdynia 19. March, 2003
If this UN is only a Zionistic dummy for
this financial establishment and thereby for this Bush's Aministration
which to secure "only" this Zionistic business (no American
nation)? In the situation of the blockade my legal case now in US
Supreme Court and earlier in Poland and Council of Europe (European
Court) is "inadmissible" this attack on Iraq.In the above
situation [if this International Law (Conventions) has not functioned]
Mr. Bush and your war advisers have not a moral, legal (and so on)
justification for this attack and a moral responsibility for this
attack on Iraq will bear the all who are silent in this very serious
case. The obsession Mr. Bushs (Sr. and Jr.) on the point of Hussein
( who has represented this totalitarian system the same as in Poland) the
same as the spectacular victory has needed for the new presidential
election Bush Jr. cannot justify of the such step in the situation
of the acceptation by US Government and Congress of this Polish
criminal Zionistic band (especially in Polish mass mediums) as the
consequence of this Jaltan partition and in the situation of the
acceptation these West European Zionistic bands which all the time
have built against the all (therein American nation) this great
(communist) totalitarian European Union with this substitute "euro". I
underline once more that in the situation of the further hiding
this case especially in mass mediums this seeming Chirac or Schroder
opposition is only a Zionistic play which nothing change. Once again
I aplly to UN General Secretary (Mr. Kofi Annan) also to of this
Human Rights Centre in UN for the immediate calling of this Peace
Worldly Conference where this case should be considered now. World
has not any other issue. The admittance to of the situation that
some mad men may go to war for reason of this personal obssesions
is very dangerous for the all world and thereby for the all nations
(therein American). First a settlement of this Polish legal case
that will stop the further (extermination of the Polish nation)
building of this great communist Europe (therein the great communism
in USA) and next a settlement of this Middle East question (therein
Palestine and Iraq) if this peace has be lasting.
Enclosure as below
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To see and to information (super important)
!----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: George W. Bush ; Dick Cheney ; Don Evans ; John Ashcroft ; Colin
Powell ; Tommy Thompson ; John Snow
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:01 AM
Subject: Human Rights
I inform that on my webs as:
and new webs with new graphics as:
I published in "News" new "Supplement dated 11.02.2003"
in which are presented my e-mails send to US, UN and ITF Authorities.I
underline once again that in the situation of the blockade my case
in US Supreme Court this Zionistic war propaganda must be interpreted
unambiguous as the aggression act against Iraq.
First this International Law (Conventions as these fundamental Human
Rights therein my case) and next eventually this International intervention
if this Iraqi regime will be blocked an introduction of this democratic
governmen system (adapted to of the currency) in Iraq and not inversely.I
hope so this UN Authorities will take the right steps as in "News"
on my Webs.
Best Wishes,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
the same to:
----- Original Message -----From: Stanislaw
To: Kofi Annan ; Gilbert Guillaume
Cc: UN Radio ; UN Human Rights Committee ; UN Human Rights
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:01 AM
Subject: Human Rights
With best wishes,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Appeal to World and
American nation!
Our civilization [therein this International
Law (Conventions)] is menaced by the Zionistic domination in World
therein especially in USA. The worldly nations (therein American
and Polish) are governed (over this International Law) by these
Zionistic criminal bastards what have confirmed the last tragic
events on Balkans, Caucasus (especially in Chechnya), in Afghanistan
and now in Iraq. These Zionistic wars were and are leading "only"
for the maintenance of this Zionistic domination (a change of these
hard dictators on these more submissive dictators) in World and
not for the democracy and freedom of these nations which are all
the time violated by this Zionistic bands and not in the business
of the American nation what confirm more difficult situation in
US economy (jobs and money) and very tragic situation in this worldly
economy (therein in Europe). The present situation confirm it fully.
Worldly situation is very serious and dramatic
The legal activity
cannot stop of this Zionistic bestiality has represented now by
this Bush's Administration (Powell, Rice, Rumsfeld, Myers, Franks,
Brooks, Ashcroft, Tenet and others) and by this Blair's Administration
(Straw, Hoon, Boyce and others) who supported by these other Zionistic
bastards as: Aznar, Berlusconi, Kwasniewski (and others) have
committed these Zionistic crimes over this International Law (Conventions).
These legal Institutions
as: American Congress, United Nations Organization (therein this
International Criminal Tribunal) also Council of Europe (therein
European Court) are "only" Institutions (Zionistic dummies)
which have legalized the above Zionistic crimes in the name of
this Zionistic financial establishment. This "carte blanche"
has given Mr. Bush on this Zionistic war with Iraq by the American
Congress the same as this silence of this General Secretary Kofi
Annan's in such worldly dramatic situation has confirmed these
dependences from this Zionistic financial establishment and thereby
a participation in these Zionistic crimes.
These worldly
mass mediums have controlled financially by these criminal Zionistic
bands the same as these religious Institutions (therein Vatican)
dependent from this Zionistic financial establishment were and
are not able to disclose this very serious case (a stop of this
Zionistic war) thereby have committed to of these Zionistic bestialities
now in Iraq.
There are
confirmed facts.
I find it hard to believe that in such dramatic
worldly situation (also in USA) when these Polish and European Zionistic
leaders will threaten these highest sentences for reason of:
This biological
extermination of the Polish nation and the total sale for abroad
of this Polish properties for almost nothing [Poland will menace
this social explosion for reason of this total expropriation (also
our soil) of the Polish nation].
The building of
this great Zionistic (communist) Europe with this substitute (no
currency) euro what has caused this total devastation of these
West European economies (especially now Germany and French). The
consequences are transferred on this US economy (I explained it
in my earlier e-mail correspondences).
These Zionistic Bush's and Blair's bands
have taken a criminal decision (aggression on Iraq) which will cause
the total collapse of these European economies (connected with this
Russian economy) and thereby this rapid deterioration of this US
economy what will be caused exactly by the decrease of these demands
(less jobs and thereby money).
If for the above results have to perish the
American boys and girls also British soldiers and Iraqi nation ?
When the "only" effect of this Zionistic aggression is
a maintenance of this Zionistic financial control in World (therein
in USA).
The Zionistic Bush's and Blair's bands of
which the roots have reached to of this (Jaltan2) partition on Malta
[in 1989 year this secret meeting between Bush Sr. and Gorbaczov]
and further to of this Jaltan partition in 1945 year must be removed
"now" and this Zionistic war must be stopped "now"
that to avoid these further heavy casualties on either side.
The World
(therein especially American nation and United Kingdom nation) by
the permanent protest on the streets must to force a dissolution
of American Congress (therein this Bush's Government) and of United
Kingdom Parliament (therein this Blair's Government). Mr. Kofi Annan
the same as the President of the General Assembly Mr. Kavan should
be dismissed now and Ms. Louise Frechette as the deputy Genaral
Secretary U.N. should call immediately as emergency this General
Assembly that to introduce in Iraq this UN International Forces.
I underline
that in the situation when these Arabic (Kurdish too) mass mediums
(also Al Jazeera) are silent (informed by me about this case) this
is a last chance of the stop this Zionistic massacre to which will
lead if this Zionistic war is not be stopped now and these UN Forces
is not be introduced now to Iraq.
If you want that the "one madman"
will destroy this World ?
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
Gdynia 5. April, 2003
Gdynia September 11, 2003
Very Important !
This dramatic and tragic worldly situation
(after this unlawful strike on Iraq) is now heavy also very complicated
and confronted. It is good that the some people (goodwill) have
not admitted to of this Zionistic massacre in Baghdad thereby to
spare the life of these American, British and Iraqi soldiers.
I think so Mr.: Bush, Cheney, Powell, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Blair
and others have not known further what they have done by this Zionistic
strike on Iraq in the situation when this globalization (centralization)
process of this worldly economy (therein finance) is continued and
these worldly demands are gradually decreased by the introduction
of these substitutes (for example "euro") in place of
these currencies as Mark, Franc, Lira and others.
This unlawful strike on Iraq and thereby the present occupation
of the Iraqi nation has caused exactly the next decrease of these
demands in World (therein especially in German, France, Russia)
what is transferred on US economy and thereby on American nation
(increase of this unemployment and decrease of this living standard).
In the present situation this request Mr. Bush's for these 87 billion
dollars (2004) on this Iraqi occupation is a criminal activity directed
against US economy (thereby US nation). The increase of this interior
debt in USA (1990 - 2000) from 2,5 trillion dollars to ~ 7 trillion
dollars at present to show how this US economy and thereby finance
is centralized and American nation is financial expropriated. If
American nation has accepted this fact and thereby this politics
has led by this Bush's Administration?
This destructive (centralization) process in World (therein this
biological extermination of these violated nations therein Polish)
must be stopped and the improvement of these worldly demands (therein
US) must be realized by the introduction of this real democratic
government system adapted to of the currency (no substitute) in
these totalitarian Countries also in Iraq) as the only way that
to avoid this global catastrophe and earlier these counterattacks
(as the answer on this worldly violence for example WTC) which to
may accelerate only this economical collapse.
In this dramatic situation my proposition of the building this real
democratic United Europe (with this single currency), democratic
Russian Federation, democratic China Federation, democratic Asian
Federation, democratic Middle East Federation, democratic United
Africa and so on is the "only" solution which to enable
an issue from this dramatic and tragic worldly situation also now
in USA.
Unfortunately the two segments of the American democracy (US Government
and Congress) have failed and only from third segment as this independent
Supreme Court (judges are irrevocable) in USA will be depended if
this destructive process is stop and this democratic process is
In this case I apply to the Chief Justice of the United States Mr.
William H. Rehnquist as below e-mail document:
----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: US Supreme Court
Cc: UN Human Rights ; Kofi Annan ; Gilbert Guillaume
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: Complaint against US Government and Congress (Human Rights)
Gdynia September 11, 2003
Chief Justice of the United States
Associate Justices
1 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20543
Re: Complaint against US Government (has
represented now by Mr. George W. Bush) and Congress.
In accordance with the Article III Section
2 United States Constitution I direct my case (against US Government
and Congress) to your Supreme Court as the last resort of the stop
this worldly destruction therein these European (also Polish) and
US economies.
The evidences (details) in this case are presented on my Webs as
The all documents (mail and e-mail) in
this case since 1992 year were sent to the former Clinton's Administration
and up to this moment to the Congress and present Bush's Administration.
In February 21, 2003 I sent you via e-mail form on your Web a copy
my e-mail sent to US and UN Authorities that not admit to of this
unlawful aggression on Iraq in the situation of the blockade my
very serious case in your Supreme Court which have a fundamental
significance for the Polish, European and your economies and thereby
nations. This case has also a fundamental significance for the peace
and democracy on the Middle East therefore I have counted on your
activity which should prevent this unlawful action against Iraq.
Unfortunately to of this unlawful and unfounded aggression on Iraq
has admitted what created the situation that US Government and Congress
are greatest terrorist organizations taking into consideration this
fact that my very serious case is blocked all the time in Poland,
Europe and your Country and also this fact that United Nations Organization
were not and is not able to take further any steps that to stop
this Bush's (Blair's) lawlessness in the such difficult (critical)
moment for the World.
This is a formal complaint directed to your independent Supreme
Court against USA (Government and Congress) for reason of the next
1. The violence me, my family and my nation
by this Polish political (Zionistic) band (parties) which has governed
the Polish nation since 1945 year as the consequence of this Jaltan
partition. The present expropriation (financial and material) of
the Polish nation has realized within the confines of this Polish
totalitarian (communist) system as the adaptation to of the building
this great totalitarian communist (Zionistic) European Union is
a criminal activity which to cause the biological extermination
of the Polish nation. This is a Zionistic crime directed against
this Polish humanity. Similarly is in the other East European Countries.
2. The violence of these West European
nations (especially French and German) by these political (Zionistic)
bands which have built this totalitarian European Union by means
of this substitute "euro" (no currency) as the global
(central or communist) process forced by the maintenance of this
present worldly financial system has controlled by this Zionistic
financial establishment in USA. Such control is possible only by
means of:
2a. These Zionistic bands in World which
have controlled these violated nations by means of these totalitarian
government systems adapted to of the substitutes (no currencies).
2b. These international financial Institutions
as the Worldly Bank, International Monetary Fund, Paris Club and
so on which under a pretence of the help these nations really they
have laundered the currencies (dollar, pound) in these totalitarian
countries which have acted as the big laundries.
3. The violence of the American nation
which manipulated and disinformed by these mass mediums (controlled
financially) has not known what is up that to rise the bankruptcy
and thereby unemployment in your Country have caused exactly by
the limitation of these demands in the World and thereby in USA.
The centralization (globalization) has limited the currencies in
this worldly financial rotation (for example an introduction of
this substitute "euro" in Europe).
4. The conscious provocation of these dramatic
and tragic events around the World (also WTC in the past) therein
on: Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus, Asia, Africa and so on as the
answer on this Zionistic financial violence.
There are facts.
The worldly situation is now dramatic and
tragic because this Zionistic criminal manipulation and disinformation
in World (now in USA) has reached the top of the irresponsibility
and this unlawful and unfounded aggression on Iraq confirm above.
The lack of the UN reaction in the moment
of this unlawful aggression on Iraq ( a calling of the General Assembly)
has confirmed also this dependency (not only financial) of the UNO
from this financial establishment in USA and thereby from US Government
and Congress. The resolution No 1483 has passed by the Security
Council confirm in fully this dependency of the UNO from this financial
establishment in USA and an assumption of this Development Fund
(petrodollars) for Iraq has controlled and monitored by the UN representative,
IMF, World Bank, Arab Fund and Paris Club it is the next step of
this lawlessness, which have nothing common with a building of this
democracy in Iraq and thereby a freedom of the Iraqi nation.
These resources (petrodollars)
as the part of this Iraqi financial system adapted to of this Iraqi
new currency are the ownership of the Iraqi nation and only elected
democratic Government (no next servile dictator) in Iraq is authorized
to the administration them.
The fundamental problem is how? to introduce
(only under the control of the United Nations Organization) this
democratic government system adapted to of this new Iraqi currency,
which should assure these equal rights for the all Iraqi nation
therein for Kurds.
The present occupation of the Iraqi nation by means of these American,
British, Polish, Spanish and other forces is inadmissible in accordance
with this International Law (Conventions) and these forces should
be replaced immediately by the UNO forces as the legal representative
of the United Nations Organization (Security Council).Unfortunately
the present UNO (for the evident reasons) is not able to take now
the none decision in this case has limited the own activity to of
this unlawful resolution No 1483 which to exclude a building of
this democratic government system in Iraq.
How you see! This worldly situation (especially
now on Middle East) is dramatic and very complicated therefore Your
Supreme Court as the independent (you are irrevocable) third part
of the American democracy must consider my case against US Government
and Congress as the last resort that to break this devastation of
this worldly economy therein your economy and that to legal activate
these UNO Institutions (therein: General Assembly, International
Tribunal and so on) which should act in accordance with this International
Law therein these European Conventions. The key to an introduction
of the above changes is a disclosure of this very serious case and
thereby an immediate consideration by your Supreme Court.
The other way of the stop this worldly
destruction (also this drama of the American families) has not in
the situation when American Government and Congress have taken this
unlawful decision (aggression on Iraq) at the same time protecting:
· This Polish political band (political
parties without exception) which has destroyed the Polish nation
biological, material, financial and moral since 1945 year [in
this Polish totalitarian financial rotation (year) is now ~ 250
billion zloty (4 zloty=1 dollar) and should be ~ 4,5 trillion zloty
as in the normal democratic government system adapted to of the
new Polish currency for 40 million nation].
· These European political bands which
have built (by the force) this totalitarian (central) communist
European Union with this substitute "euro" against the
all European nations (therein especially German and French).
decrease of these German resources In Mark ~ 500 billion for reason
of the takeover this West German financial control over this East
Germen economy what was transferred in this "euro".
· These other totalitarian agencies in
World as for example in: Russian Federation, China, Asia, Africa
and so on.
and blocking my legal case (democratic
solution) in your Country therein in Mass Mediums.
I underline that is impossible a building
of this real democratic United Europe with this new single European
currency (an increase of these demands) without:
1. An introduction in Poland (other East
European Countries) of this democratic government system adapted
to of the new Polish currency (financial and material enfranchisement
of the Polish nation).
2. A decentralization (especially financial
and structural) of these West European government systems (minimalization
of these subsidies especially on the agriculture).
There are next facts.
The realization of the above is possible
"only" in the situation of the receiving this legal decision
from your Supreme Court as the legal ground to of the renegotiation
of these International treaties (as the result of this Jaltan partition),
agreements, contracts and an annulment of these debts which to make
impossible an introduction of this real democratic government system
adapted to of the currency in these totalitarian Countries. This
democratic process should be realized individually for the every
Country (introduced gradually) that to enable an adaptation of this
worldly financial system to of these new structural and economical
conditions (increase of these currencies in World and thereby of
these demands) .
Only from your "independent"
decision will be depend if the World (therein USA) come back on
this legal way (Conventions) or this communist centralization (globalization)
especially now in your Country will be realized until a total collapse
of this present worldly financial system and thereby economies.
This is a last legal
chance of the stop this worldly economical devastation especially
now in your Country which will lead to of this global catastrophe.
I have a hope so my case in accordance
with your maxim "Equal Justice Under
Law" will be settled emergency as first for the purpose
of the maximum limitation:
1)These losses in your economy which have
resulted from this permanent limitation of these demands in World
therein in Europe (especially in these East European Countries),
Russian Federation, China, Asia , Africa, Middle East and so on.
The rise of these bankruptcies in your Country and thereby the cases
directed against US Government ( Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, WorldCom
and so on) are "legal justification" in the situation
of the blockade my case which as the only solution may stop this
worldly economic devastation (reduction of these demands) and thereby
a gradually improvement of these demands in World (therein in Europe)
and thereby in your economy. The cuts of these taxes and interest
rates have realized by Mr. Greenspan's are correct but these profits
from above (for American nation) only minimum balanced these worldly
losses have transferred by this worldly financial system on your
economy. There are facts.
2)These mortal victims (casualties) as
the consequence of these unfounded and unjustified wars (Middle
East, Balkans, Caucasus, Africa, Asia, Latin America) have led only
for the change of these disobedient dictators on these submissive
dictators (towards your Government) who financially dependent from
your financial establishment are able to the every activity (therein
this crime and murder) against the own nations.
3)This genocide of these whole nations
therein: Chechyan, Palestinian, Jewish and others which violated
by these obedient Zionistic agencies (towards your Government and
financial establishment) have born the casualties on the large scale.
4)This biological extermination of these
nations especially these East European nations (therein Polish)
which violated by these obedient Zionistic agencies (towards your
Government and financial establishment) since 1945 year have born
the consequences (also financial and material) of this Jaltan partition.
If may be silent? In the situation when
these European Zionistic agencies have built this great totalitarian
(communist) European Union against the all European nations or when
this Polish Zionistic agency (against the Polish nation will) has
sent the Polish soldiers (on this Zionistic war in Iraq) against
Iraqi nation which has a right to be free and to live in democratic
If you want to continue further above by the blockade of this only
solution (my legal case) in your Supreme Court and thereby in these
Mass Mediums which have participated in this criminal manipulation?
I underline once again that only this gradual
introduction of this democratic government system adapted to of
the currency (with your legal consent and under the control of UNO)
is the only solution that will stop these tragic events in World
and thereby in your Country.
The play has led by these Zionistic agencies
(therein these Secret Services) in World in the confines of this
present worldly financial system (a gradual
decrease of these currencies in World and thereby the increase of
these substitutes in World what is unambiguous with the change of
this less democratic government system by this more totalitarian
government system for example in Europe) is the crime directed
against the all humanity.
Only this gradual introduction of this
democratic government system adapted to of the currency (beginning
from Poland) in World [thereby the change of this personal structure
in UNO (Security Council and so on)] is a guarantee of the creation
this Palestinian State and of the building this real democratic
United Europe with this single European currency, democratic Russian
Federation, democratic Chinese Federation (Hong Kong and Tibet),
democratic Asian Federation, democratic United Africa, democratic
Middle East Federation and so on.
This is the only way to of the stop this worldly economic destruction
that will avoid of this global catastrophe as the result of the
lack this personal responsibility (not only these worldly leaders)
and of the lack this complying of the International Law (Conventions).
"Equal Justice
Under Law" - Is that true?
With the hope,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6
I underline once again that only by this
gradual introduction of this real democratic government system adapted
to of the currency may change this personal structure in UNO (Security
Council) what is the only guarantee of the creation this Palestinian
State and the building of this real democratic United Europe and
so on.
About this fact should remember especially (and not only) these
Arab (therein Hamas) and Jewish leaders (who as the instruments
of this present worldly financial system) have exterminated the
own nations in these absurd attacks and vice versa counterattacks
in the situation when these Arab and Jewish mass mediums are silent
and when these media(l) worldly corporations Mardoch's and Case's
(Parsons') have wound (by this criminal manipulation) this spiral
of the death with the general acceptance also of these religious
and human Institutions.
This is really the last legal chance of
the issue from this very, very difficult situation.
With the hope,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6
Supplement! (20/9/2003)
Independently from the above e-mail document
[in accordance with the Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court] I sent
dated 17.09. 2003 to the Chief Justice of the United States original
document signed by me as the authenticity. The receipt as below:
click on the picture.
I hope so nothing to stand in the way that this very serious case
will settle immediately for me and you good.
see this signed document.
Again with the hope,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek