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News6                                                                                                      news

Impotence and Inactivity!                                                                        Gdynia 13. December. 2006 year

How long? Polish nation and other nations must to wait for this legal decision from US Supreme Court that to change this abnormality situation not only in Poland but also consequently in all Europe and others. American Government and Congress (Representatives and Senators) have blocked my legal case since September. 2003 year in US Supreme Court (to see news) have born before a history this full responsibility for these consequences which have resulted from this blockade in US Supreme Court therein for this total extermination of the Polish nation and others. The present migration (about 6 millions) of the young Poles (therein my daughter) to England, Italy and so on as this cheap workforce it also a consequence of this abnormality in Poland. This is a black sheet of this all Polish history therefore they who have admitted to of this tragedy will be swore for ages not excluding of these persons who represent these religious institutions therein Catholic Church. This silence is a very dangerous and criminal not only for Polish nation.

I have waited on this legal decision from US Supreme Court ( I have got faith in this American democracy) therefore on the day  6. May. 2005 year I published on my webs this " Open Letter to Mr. Bush and Congress " (to see news 5) in which I explained why is needed this legal decision from US Supreme Court that to change this dramatic situation in Poland, Europe and next successively in the other Countries. Unfortunately this American Administration (therein: Government and Congress) has said that this is an internal problem of the Polish nation (a result from these Bush's statements) therefore probably they have blocked my legal case in US Supreme Court.

Mr. President Bush, Congresswomen and Congressmen!  How this Polish nation has to learn about this legal case (solution) when this case has hidden by this Zionistic band in Poland since 1991 year for reason of these worldly financial connections which have caused that "not only" these Polish mass mediums are totally controlled by This Zionistic band  and Polish nation is totally violated (only about 5% Polish nation has a privately internet)? How this Polish nation has to learn about this legal case if these west mass mediums are silent (thereby they have agreed on this devastation of the Polish nation)?

These present changes in American Congress and the same as these pressures American Administration on these Polish governments that to disclose this very important case will nothing change because this Zionistic band in Poland do not cut a branch on which they have sat since 1945 year. This criminal manipulation (mass mediums) in their hands is a natural instrument of the government in this present dramatic situation of the Polish nation.

In this deadlock situation American Government and Congress (therein: Supreme Court and Secret Services) have to decide if they will be act "now" in accordance with this International Law (Conventions) or further they will be lead these unlawful activities (over this International Law) directed against this worldly society and especially against this Polish nation which experienced by this all history suffer at present this biggest humiliation.

I underline that in the situation of this further blockade my case in US Supreme Court is not possible an announcement of this Polish Pope as the "saint" because he very well knew about this case and he did everything what possible (despite of these financial connections with Vatican) that this case escort to of this legal end. Unfortunately this Polish Pope (who believed in this international legislation) not lived this moment has known that this very important case for Polish nation was blocked in US Supreme Court (this last visit Mr. Bush's in Vatican).

This Zionistic financial establishment (also in Poland) may lead to an announcement of this Polish Pope as the "saint" but then this fact will be the biggest Zionistic swindle in this earthly history.

This is my last correspondence in this very important case "not only" for this Polish nation therefore American Government and Congress must tell synonymously who represent:

1) If really American nation and thereby this International Law (Conventions) with this partnership in UNO 

2) If they further will be represent "only" this Zionistic financial establishment who has acted "over" this International Law as this mafia system  with these Zionistic groups which have controlled these individual  nations (not only UNO has acted as this Zionistic agency).

There are facts therefore the answer on this above fundamental question will be had an immense significance for these violated nations but also for American nation which should be know whose a business protect their Government and Congress (therein: Supreme Court and Secret Services).

I have waited patiently on this answer quote once again this citation of Polish Pope as below:

"Freedom is oneself and is a freedom in the such measure in which is realized by this truth about this good. Only then this freedom is a good. If this freedom is not connected with this truth and to make this truth dependent from herself then will create these logical circumstances which to have these harmful moral consequences. Their sizes are sometimes unpredictable"

I add still to above that "and very dangerous for all this worldly human population".

With the best wishes,

Stanislaw Kaczmarek

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