My case at present blocked in your Supreme Court is a legal
case consistent with this International Law (Conventions). In this abnormal
(deadlock) situation you Mr. Bush and Congress (Representatives and Senators)
have borne the full responsibility (before a history) for these dramatic events
in World (therein for this biological extermination of the Polish nation).
The creation of this virtual reality (manipulation) by these Zionistic mass mediums is very dangerous for the every human being, family ,
nation and World all the more that this economic situation (also in USA) day by
day is worsen and the no visits Ms. Rice and you (Europe, Asia) will not improve
this situation in World and thereby in your Country. This situation will not improve
also a nomination former V-ce Secretary of Defense Mr. Wolfovitz's on the
Chairman of this Worldly Bank. Them larger addiction from these financial
institutions (World Bank, IMF) all the bigger a violence of these nations which
have pressed by these Zionistic agencies ( not exclude this Polish agency,
Russian agency and so on) are exterminated. This is a crazy situation which should be
stopped now.
This addiction of UNO from this Zionistic worldly financial
system (therein: Iraqi oil for food) has created an abnormal situation that this
Legal Institution is not able to act under these democratic principles defined
by these International Conventions and the no reform in this Legal Institution (Mr. Kofi Annan) will not change this situation if my very serious case (legal) is
further hide before this International society and thereby further blocked in
your Supreme Court.
The above situation also taking into consideration this fact
of the addiction these Religious Institutions (therein Vatican) from this
Zionistic financial system (indirectly from these Zionistic agencies also in
Russia) will create a horrifying picture of the future in which the whole
nations are and will be exterminated more by this present financial system (these
Zionistic agencies) which has forced this global centralization also in USA.
There are consequences of this Zionistic financial play which has led to of this
second war and consequently to of this Jaltan partition (division of these
influences between agencies). This Zionistic (criminal)
financial play must be stopped.
In this dramatic situation (Moses overturns in the grave) a
return on this legal way (Conventions) is the only manner that to keep up
appearances of this democratic activity what make possible a real gradual
building of this democracy in Europe (therein in Poland), Russian Federation,
China Federation, Asia Federation and so on. Blocking my legal case in your
Supreme Court you have acted over this International Law (only as the mafia
group) also against American nation. Only the return on this legal (Conventions)
ground [the roots of these Conventions therein: Human
Rights have reached to of these Sinai Stone Tables where this "Ark of Covenant" is a symbol of these
equal rights for the every human being] will give a sense this human
existence (from beginning to end) and thereby to give a hope on the improvement
of this future in our human life. Unfortunately at present this process will go
in the reverse direction what may lead to of this unpredictable and unforeseen
tragedy in this critical moment which to follow.
Only from you Mr. Bush and your Congress (your decision) will
be depend if this Polish Holy Father (great man of peace, philosopher,
theologian, historian, etic and so on) is really Saint or only the man who a big knowledge was used for
the fortifications of this totalitarian Zionistic financial structure as the
consequence of this earlier financial play [a finanse of
this Lenin revolution by this German capital ] and next of this Jaltan partition.
I hope so you Mr. Bush (also Congress) are conscious of the
above fact and of this historical moment which must to follow that to stop this devastation of World (therein: especially economic and human).
It is a pity that this great Polish Pope (who believed in this
justice) died before this
historical moment.
Also I have waited patiently on this moment.
With the best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
I recommend a reading of the last book this Polish Pope "
Remembrance and Identity " published 2005 year in which Holy Father explains in the
philosophical way and at the same time understandable a sense of this human existence
on the Earth taking into consideration this millennium history of this human
being inseparably connected with the faith in a good which to overcome this evil.
"Freedom is oneself
and is a freedom in the such measure in which is realized by this
truth about this good. Only then this freedom is a good. If this
freedom is not connected with this truth and to make this truth
dependent from herself then will create these logical circumstances
which to have these harmful moral consequences. Their sizes are
sometimes unpredictable"
Supplement ! Gdynia 11. December, 2005 year
About this open letter to President
Bush's were informed:
1) President Bush and American Congress date 6. May, 2005
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 5:27 PM
Subject: Human Rights
Very Important! Gdynia 6. May. 2005 year
On my web pages as below:
in the "News5" is published by me " Open
Letter To Mr. Bush And Congress " dated 6. May. 2005 year.
With the best Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6
2) Secretary General of UNO Mr. Kofi Annan date 7. May, 2005
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 6:53 PM
Subject: Human Rights
Very Important!
----- Original Message -----