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Important!                                                                             Gdynia 17. March. 2004

Unfortunately  this ornament on the  building of the US Supreme Court as " Equel Justice Under Law " is "only" the empty platitude what confirm this silence and blockade my very serious case in US Supreme Court.

This Zionistic helplessness of this Washington Administration (Supreme Court, Government and Congress) also this silence especially of these US Mass Mediums in the such dramatic situation (also in USA) is horrifying for the all people around the world  will take into consideration these further dramatic and tragic consequences which to follow as the result of the continuation this worldly (economic and financial) destruction also in Europe and USA.

In this dramatic situation remained me appeal only (first amendment to of this US Constitution) to of the consciences these persons who have worked in these totalitarian mass mediums admitting thereby to of the criminal manipulation and these tragedies as for example now in Madrid.

Therefore for this reason I sent in 17. January, 2004 year the next e-mails to of these worldly mass mediums as below:  

1) Polish Mass Mediums:

----- Original Message -----
To: Polonia4(Anglia) ; Polonia3(Anglia) ; Polonia2(Anglia) ; Polonia(Anglia) ; Polonia16(USA) ; Polonia15(USA) ; Polonia14(USA) ; Polonia13(USA) ; Polonia12(USA) ; Polonia11(USA) ; Polonia10(USA) ; Polonia9(USA) ; Polonia8(USA) ; Polonia7(USA) ; Polonia6(USA) ; Polonia5(USA) ; Polonia4(USA) ; Polonia3(USA) ; Polonia2(USA) ; Polonia(USA) ; Polonia2(Szwecja) ; Polonia(Szwecja) ; Polonia(Szwajcaria) ; Polonia2(Norwegia) ; Polonia(Norwegia) ; Polonia9(Niemcy) ; Polonia8(Niemcy) ; Polonia7(Niemcy) ; Polonia6(Niemcy) ; Polonia5(Niemcy) ; Polonia4(Niemcy) ; Polonia3(Niemcy) ; Polonia2(Niemcy) ; Polonia(Niemcy) ; Polonia6(Kanada) ; Polonia5(Kanada) ; Polonia4(Kanada) ; Polonia3(Kanada) ; Polonia2(Kanada-Kongres) ; Polonia(Kanada-Kongres) ; Polonia(Holandia) ; Polonia2(Grecja) ; Polonia(Grecja) ; Polonia3(Francja) ; Polonia2(Francja) ; Polonia(Francja) ; Polonia2(Dania) ; Polonia(Dania) ; Polonia3(Austria) ; Polonia2(Austria) ; Polonia(Austria) ; Australia(Polonia) ; PolClub(Australia) ; Magazyn Kraj2(Australia) ; Magazyn Kraj(Australia) ; CyberExpress(Australia) ; Polvision Chicago(2) ; Polvision Chicago ; TV Czworka(4) ; TV Czworka(3) ; TV Czworka(2) ; TV Czworka ; Polskie Radio Australia ; Polskie Radio San Francisko ; Polskie Radio N.Y. ; Polskie Radio Chicago ; Radio Kolobrzeg ; Radio Trefl ; Radio Konin ; Radio Plus(3) ; Radio Plus(2) ; Radio Plus ; Radio Gdansk(3) ; Radio Gdansk(2) ; Radio Gdansk ; Radiowa Agencja Inf. ; Radio Polskie(polonia) ; Radio Polskie(bis) ; Radio Polskie(3) ; Radio Polskie(2) ; Radio Polskie(1) ; RMF-FM(2) ; Tygodnik Tucholski ; Tygodnik Powszechny ; Tygodnik Gwarek ; Nowe Podkarpacie ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(7) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(6) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(5) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(4) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(3) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski(2) ; Tygodnik Podhalanski ; Nowiny Gliwickie(4) ; Nowiny Gliwickie(3) ; Nowiny Gliwickie(2) ; Nowiny Gliwickie ; Glos Nauczycielski ; Angora ; Kontakty ; Wiadomosci Rudzkie ; Tygodnik Nowohucki ; Gazeta Czestochowska ; Tygodnik Gorlicki ; Nasza Polska ; Najwyzszy Czas ; Nie(8) ; Nie(7) ; Nie(6) ; Nie(5) ; Nie(4) ; Nie(3) ; Nie(2) ; Nie ; Wprost ; Echo Dnia ; Kurier Lubelski(5) ; Kurier Lubelski(4) ; Kurier Lubelski(3) ; Kurier Lubelski(2) ; Kurier Lubelski ; Glos Slupski(6) ; Glos Slupski(5) ; Glos Slupski(4) ; Glos Slupski(3) ; Glos Slupski(2) ; Glos Slupski ; Nowiny Jeleniogorskie ; Super Nowosci ; Gazeta Pomorska ; Trybuna Slaska(5) ; Trybuna Slaska(4) ; Trybuna Slaska(3) ; Trybuna Slaska ; Gazeta Poznanska(Leszno) ; Gazeta Poznanska(Opalenica) ; Gazeta Poznanska(Pila) ; Gazeta Poznanska(Srem) ; Gazeta Poznanska(Konin) ; Gazeta Poznanska(Kalisz) ; Gazeta Poznanska ; Gazeta Wroclawska(6) ; Gazeta Wroclawska(5) ; Gazeta Wroclawska(4) ; Gazeta Wroclawska(3) ; Gazeta Wroclawska(2) ; Gazeta Wroclawska ; Nowiny ; Parkiet ; Nasz Dziennik(5) ; Nasz Dziennik(4) ; Nasz Dziennik(3) ; Nasz Dziennik(2) ; Nasz Dziennik ; Glos Wybrzeza(2) ; Glos Wybrzeza ; Glos Szczecinski(3) ; Glos Szczecinski ; Glos Szczecinski(2) ; Express Lodz(5) ; Express Lodz(4) ; Express Lodz(3) ; Exspress Lodz(2) ; Dziennik Zachodni ; Dziennik Polski ; Nowy Dziennik ; Rzeczypospolita(10) ; Rzeczypospolita(9) ; Rzeczypospolita(8) ; Rzeczypospolita(7) ; Rzeczypospolita(6) ; Rzeczypospolita(5) ; Rzeczypospolita(4) ; Rzeczpospolita(3) ; Rzeczpospolita ; Gazeta Lubuska ; Puls Biznesu ; Agora(2) ; Agora ; Dziennik Wschodni ; Gazeta Prawna(4) ; Gazeta Prawna(3) ; Gazeta Prawna(2) ; Gazeta Prawna ; Polsat(Teleaudio) ; Agencja Inf. Glob ; Agencja Telepress ; Agencja Inf. Boss ; Kat.Agen.Inform.(2) ; Kat.Agen.Inform. ; PAP(Nauka1) ; PAP(Europa) ; PAP(Dokumentacja) ; PAP(Irak) ; PAP(Wydawnictwo) ; PAP(Dziennik) ; Pro Media ; Nowa Trybuna Opolska ; Trybuna (Redakcja) ; Marek Lubas (G.K.) ; Przemyslaw Kocur (G.K.) ; Marian Satala (G.K.) ; Katarzyna Kachel (Echo Krak.) ; Konrad Pawlowski (Echo Krak.) ; Malgorzata Nitek (Echo Krak.) ; Monika Chylaszek (Echo Krak.) ; Marek Stawowczyk (G.K.) ; Dariusz Penar (G.K.) ; Adrianna Ginal (G.K.) ; Wlodzimierz Zapart (G.K.) ; Lucyna Walas (G.K.) ; Jerzy Kastura (G.K.) ; Gazeta Krakowska(8) ; Gazeta Krakowska(7) ; Gazeta Krakowska(6) ; Gazeta Krakowska(5) ; Gazeta Krakowska(4) ; Gazeta Krakowska(3) ; Gazeta Krakowska(2) ; Gazeta Krakowska(1) ; Wroclaw (Nasze Miasto) ; Gazeta Olszt. ; Express Bydg. ; Stark ; Dziennik Elbl. ; Dziennik ; Gojtowski ; Express Lodz ; Kurier Szczec. ; Trybuna Slaska(2) ; Trybuna Slaska(1) ; Nowosci ; Agencja Inf.(2) ; TAI ; Agencja Inf. ; RMF-FM ; Dzien. Lodz. ; TG ; Rzeczpospolita(2) ; Rzeczpospolita(1) ; Super Exspres ; Chip Red. ; Zycie Warszawy(5) ; Zycie Warszawy(4) ; Zycie Warszawy(3) ; Zycie Warszawy(2) ; Zycie Warszawy(1) ; Puls Zaglebia(2) ; Puls Zaglebia ; Lidia Wasowicz ( Senior Science Writer) ; Uniwersytet Torun ; Uniwersytet Poznan ; Uniwersytet Lublin ; TVP Polsat ; TVP 2 ; TVP 1 ; TVN ; TV Polonia ; RadioZet (public relation) ; RadioZet (internet) ; Politechnika Poznanska ; Politechnika Lodzka ; Politechnika Gdanska ; Pol.Spol.Internetu ; PAP(Informacje) ; PAP(Gdansk) ; Panorama Gdanska ; Edward Moskal ; Barbara Mikulski ; KURIER (TVP3) ; Jankowski ; Jachnicki ; Inst.Fizyki.Jadr. (Krakow) ; Gazeta Polska ; Dziennik Baltycki ; Canal + ; BBC Polska ; Administrator Serwera P.G. (Bramka multicon)
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 4:34 PM
Subject: Skarga przeciw U.S. Rządowi i Kongresowi (Human Rights)

Ważna Informacja!                                                                                       Gdynia 17. 01. 2004
Dot: Mej sprawy blokowanej obecnie w amerykańskim Sądzie Najwyższym.
Mija czwarty miesiąc jak wysłałem moją skargę (przeciw amerykanskiemu Rządowi i Kongresowi) do Sądu najwyższego w USA, ale niestety do tej pory brak jakiejkolwiek reakcji.
Dokument podpisany (oryginał) wysłano w dn. 17.09.2003 do Szefa Sprawiedliwości Stanów Zjednoczonych celem uwiarygodnienia mego wcześniejszego internetowego wystąpienia na stronach jak niżej (patrz w News):
Dla Polek i Polaków nie ma ważniejszej sprawy od tej (zabezpieczenie polskiego interesu dla nas samych i przyszłych pokoleń), dlatego zwracam się do wszystkich (w tym, zwłaszcza internautów) o moralne i fizyczne wsparcie tej sprawy (w tym, wysłanie wspierających listów i e-maili do amerykańskiego Sądu Najwyższego i Mass Mediów), gdyż jest to jedyny sposób żeby zatrzymać dalsze budowanie komunistycznej (syjonistycznej) Unii Europejskiej, w której Polakom przeznaczono rolę wywłaszczonych pariasów.
Ujawnienie tej sprawy to jedyna droga do zbudowania rzeczywiście demokratycznej Polski, a tym samym demokratycznej Zjednoczonej Europy, w której wszystkie narody będą miały takie same prawa (finansowe, materialne, ekonomiczne itp).
By do tego demokratycznego zjednoczenia Europy doszło (na równych podstawach ekonomicznych) muszą być spełnione następujące warunki:
1) Musi nastąpić ujawnienie tej sprawy w mass mediach i w konsekwencji rozpatrzenie jej w amerykańskim Sądzie Najwyższym celem uzyskania decyzji prawnej umożliwiajacej wprowadzenie w Polsce (innych krajach post-komunistycznych) rzeczywistego demokratycznego systemu rządzenia dostosowanego do wolnorynkowej gry w której funkcjonuje nowa waluta polska (nie substytut jakim jest obecna złotówka). Wprowadzenie w Polsce (przy pomocy dekretów) rzeczywistego demokratycznego wolnorynkowego systemu dostosowanego do waluty spowoduje prawie 15 krotne zwiększenie pieniędzy w obiegu (zwiększenie popytu, zarobków itp).
Jest to t.z. uwłaszczenie finansowe narodu, które razem z uwłaszczeniem materialnym stanowi podstawę do zbudowania rzeczywiście demokratycznej Polski.
2) W krajach zachodnio-europejskich muszą nastąpić procesy decentralizacyjne (w tym szczególnie odejście od dotacji). Jest to warunek konieczny do stworzenia jednakowej podstawy ekonomicznej umożliwiającej (w przyszłości) wprowadzenie jednej wspólnej waluty na całym kontynencie europejskim.
Jest to "jedyna" realna droga do zbudowania tej rzeczywiście demokratycznej Zjednoczonej Europy, w której będzie funkcjonowała jedna współna waluta.
Podkreślam, że obecne blokowanie mej sprawy w amerykańskim Sądzie Najwyższym, umożliwia dalsze budowanie totalitarnej (syjonistycznej) Unii Europejskiej co jest "niezwykle grożne"  dla narodu polskiego (narodów wschodnio-europejskich), uwzględniając konsekwencje jakie muszą nastąpić, w wyniku dalszego centralizowania (komunizowania) Europy [ pozbawienie własnej państwowości (następna Palestyna), pariasizm (konsekwencje materialnego i finansowego wywłaszczenia), biologiczne wyniszczenie (jako akt ludobójstwa) ].
Ujawnienie tej sprawy to "jedyny" sposób [ reszta jest zbrodniczą (syjonistyczną) manipulacją ], żeby uniknąć dramatu jaki nam szykują te "nieodpowiedzialne" pro-marksistowskie (lewicowe i prawicowe) partie kontrolowane pośrednio przez ten Syjonistyczny finansowy establishment w Polsce, i bezpośrednio przez ten Syjonistyczny finansowy establishment w USA, co potwierdza obecne blokowanie mojej sprawy w amerykańskim Sądzie Najwyższym.
Nie ma innej legalnej ( pokojowej ) drogi załatwienia tej sprawy, z tego powodu jeszcze raz zwracam się do Polek i Polaków, o wsparcie tej sprawy, gdyż jest to "jedyny" sposób, w sytuacji gdy instytucje z natury rzeczy powołane do ujawnienia takich spraw "milczą" ( Media, ONZ, także Vatykan) , potwierdzając tym samym współudział, w tej szeroko pojętej syjonistyczno-komunistycznej zbrodni realizowanej na skalę miedzynarodową. Tym samym powyższe Instytucje milcząc dopuszczają do tych dramatycznych i tragicznych przeciwdziałań, które są odpowiedzią (WTC i inne) na to Syjonistyczne (terrorystyczne) zniewolenie. Tych zbrodniczych działań ( w tym także bezprawne agresje na Afganistan i Irak ) można było uniknąć, w sytuacji ujawnienia tej polskiej sprawy, która ma znaczenie "fundamentalne" dla narodu polskiego (narodów wschodnio europejskich) oraz budowania przyszłej demokratycznej Zjednoczonej Europy.
Mass Media ( ludzie w nich pracujący ) ponoszą "pełną odpowiedzialność" za ukrywanie tej prawdy przed narodem polskim, który doświadczany historycznie ponosi obecnie największą stratę jaką jest wyniszczenie biologiczne narodu polskiego oraz pozbawienie go własnej państwowości ( w tym wywłaszczenie materialne). 
Czy w tej dramatycznej sytuacji narodu polskiego można milczeć ? Znając konsekwencje dalszego budowania tej Syjonistycznej (totalitarnej) Unii Europejskiej oraz w sytuacji gdy to "prawne" polskie rozwiązanie jest obecnie blokowane w amerykańskim Sądzie Najwyższym.
Z Poważaniem,
Stanisław Kaczmarek

+ zalacznik (enclosure)

2) Arab Mass Mediums:

----- Original Message -----
To: Al Arabiya (Dubai) ; ; Mohammed Jasim Al-Ali ; Shadi Eideh ; Mohsan Parvez (Chief Executive) ; Nabil Abbas (Head of IT) ; Inam Hussain (Head of Marketing) ; Arabynet ; Jennifer Hamarneh (Jordan Times) ; Jordan Alrai ; Hana Siniora (Jerusalem-Times) ; Hani Shukrallah (Al-Ahram Editor) ; Mona Anis (Al-Ahram EditorAs) ; Al-Ahram (Egipt) ; Amira Howeidy (Al-Ahram Web Editor) ; Shohdy Naguib (Webmaster Al-Ahram) ; Khaled Al-Maeena (Editor Arab News) ; John R. Bradley (Editor Arab News) ; Khalil Hanware (Arab News) ; Muhammad Jaber Nader (Arab News) ; P. K. Muhammad (Arab News) ; Noushad Shamimul Hag (Arab News) ; Barbara Ferguson (Arab News) ; Arab News (General) ; Sarah Shaban (Arab News) ; Algerian News Agency ; Algerian Almasa ; Algerian El Khabar(2) ; Algerian El Watan ; Algerian El Watan(2) ; Algerian El Moudjahid(1) ; Algerian El Moudjahid(2) ; Algerian El Moudjahid(3) ; Algerian El Moudjahid(4) ; Algerian El Moudjahid(5) ; Algerian La Tribune ; Oman News Editor ; Oman News Editor(2) ; Oman News Editor(3) ; Oman Daily ; Oman Observer ; Oman Alwatan(1) ; Oman Alwatan(2) ; Oman Alwatan(3) ; Oman Alwatan(4) ; Oman Alwatan(5) ; Oman Alwatan(6) ; Oman Alwatan(7) ; Oman Alwatan(8) ; Oman Alwatan(9) ; Palestine Al Ayyam ; Palestine Al Quds ; Palestine Al Hayat ; Palestine Akhbarna ; Palestine Sawt-alhaq ; Palestine Wafa News Agency ; Palestine Almaqal(1) ; Palestine Almaqal(2) ; Palestine Almaqal(3) ; Palestine Almaqal(4) ; Palestine Almaqal(5) ; Palestine Almassar ; Palestine Alkarmel ; Palestine Manar ; Palestine Raport ; Palestine Media(1) ; Palestine Media(2) ; Palestine Almeathak ; Palestine Sport ; Jordan News Agency ; Jordan News Agency(2) ; Jordan Alyawm ; Jordan Shihan ; Jordan Star ; Jordan Ammannet ; Jordan Alettijah ; Syria Champress ; Syria Report ; Syria Report(2) ; Syria Report (Editor) ; Syrian News ; Syria Times ; Syria Al-Thawra ; Syria Al-Baath ; Iran Al-Vefagh ; Iran Times ; Iran Times(2) ; Iran Times(3) ; Iran Times(4) ; Iran Al-Shahid ; Bahrain Daily News ; Bahrain Al-Khaleej ; Bahrain Al-Khaleej(2) ; Bahrain Al-Khaleej(3) ; Bahrain Al-Khaleej(4) ; Bahrain Internet Pages ; Bahrain Newspapers ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(1) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(2) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(3) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(4) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(5) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(6) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(7) ; Bahrain Al-Ayam(8) ; Bahrain Al-Wasat News ; Qatar Al-Watan ; Qatar Al-Watan(2) ; Qatar Al-Watan(3) ; Qatar Times ; Qatar Al-Rayah ; Egypt Al-Ahram ; Egypt News Agency ; Egypt Elakhbar ; Egypt Algomhouria ; Egypt Internet ; Egypt Internet(2) ; Egypt Times ; Egypt Times(2) ; Egypt Times(3) ; Egypt Times(4) ; Egypt Times(5) ; Egypt Times Magazine ; Egypt Today Magazine ; Egypt Today Magazine(2) ; Egypt Today Magazine(3) ; Egypt Today Magazine(4) ; Egypt Al-Ahali ; Sudan Rayaam ; Sudan Addaraweesh ; Tunisie Presse ; Tunisie Realites ; Tunisie Realites(2) ; Tunisie Realites(3) ; Tunisie Realites(4) ; Tunisie Realites(5) ; Tunisie Info ; Tunisie Line ; Emirates Al-Khaleej ; Emirates Al-Khaleej(2) ; Emirates Al-Khaleej(3) ; Emirates News Agency(Director) ; Emirates News Agency(D-ty Director) ; Emirates News Agency(Editor) ; ; ; Emirates Gulf News ; Saudi Arabia(Okaz) ; Saudi Arabia News Agency ; Saudi Arabia Al-Watan ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Jazirah2) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Jazirah) ; Saudi Arabia(Massaiah) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Riyadh) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Hayat) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Hayat2) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Hayat3) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Awsat) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Awsat2) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Awsat3) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-awsat4) ; Saudi Arabia(Islamic News) ; Saudi Arabia(Islamic News2) ; Saudi Arabia(Naseej) ; Saudi Arabia(Al-Yaqeen) ; Kuwait News Agency ; Kuwait News Agency2 ; Kuwait News Agency3 ; Kuwait News Agency4 ; Kuwait News Agency5 ; Kuwait Al-Qabas ; Kuwait Al-Raialaam ; Kuwait Al-Seyassah ; Kuwait Al-Seyassah2 ; Kuwait Al-Seyassah3 ; Lebanon News Agency ; Lebanon News Agency2 ; Lebanon News Agency3 ; Lebanon News Agency4 ; Lebanon News Agency5 ; Lebanon News Agency6 ; Lebanon Dailystar ; Lebanon Dailystar2 ; Lebanon Dailystar3 ; Lebanon Dailystar5 ; Lebanon Dailystar4 ; Lebanon Lorient-Lejour ; Lebanon Lorient2 ; Lebanon Lorient3 ; Lebanon Lorient4 ; Lebanon Lorient6 ; Lebanon Lorient5 ; Lebanon Lorient7 ; Lebanon Lorient8 ; Lebanon Al-Anwar ; Lebanon As-Safir ; Lebanon As-Safir2 ; Lebanon As-Safir3 ; Lebanon As-Safir4 ; Lebanon As-Safir5 ; Lebanon As-Safir6 ; Lebanon As-Safir7 ; Lebanon As-Safir8 ; Lebanon Intiqad ; Lebanon Intiqad2 ; Lebanon Intiqad3 ; Lebanon La Revue ; Lebanon Morning ; Lebanon Al-Mustaqbal ; Lebanon Al-Arabi ; Lebanon Al-Watan ; Lebanon Newspaper ; Libya News ; Libya Al-Jamahiria ; Libya Al-Jamahiria3 ; Libya Al-Jamahiria4 ; Libya Al-Jamahiria5 ; Yemen Al-Ayyam ; Yemen Al-Ayyam2 ; Yemen Al-Ayyam3 ; Yemen Al-Gumhuryah ; Yemen Al-Gumhuryah2 ; Yemen Web ; Yemen Times ; Yemen Times2 ; Yemen Times3 ; Yemen Times4 ; Yemen Times6 ; Yemen Times5 ; Yemen Al-Shoura ; Yemen Al-Thawrah ; Yemen Observer1 ; Yemen Observer2 ; Marocco Al-Jarida ; Marocco Today ; Marocco Al-Yaoume ; Marocco Leconomiste ; Marocco Al-Alam ; Marocco Assabah ; Marocco Annahjad ; Marocco Le Matin ; Marocco Le Matin1 ; Marocco Le Matin2 ; Marocco Le Matin3 ; Al Arab(Editor) ; Qudspress ; Saadalbazzaz U.K. ; Azzaman U.K. ; Al Haqaeq U.K. ; Al Haqaeq2 U.K. ; Adel Falyouna ; U.S.Arab Times ; U.S.Arab Times2 ; U.S.Arab Times3 ; U.S.Al-Watan ; U.S.Arab Voice ; U.S.Arab Voice2 ; U.S.Mea Report ; U.S.Mea Report2 ; U.S.Mea Report3 ; U.S.Mea Report4 ; U.S.Mea Report5 ; U.S.Mea Report6 ; U.S.Mea Report7 ; U.S.Falasteen ; U.S.Falasteen2 ; U.S.Falasteen3 ; U.S.Falasteen4 ; U.S.Falasteen5 ; U.S.Falasteen6 ; U.S.Falasteen7 ; U.S.Arab Newspaper ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo2 ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo3 ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo4 ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo5 ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo6 ; Arab Radio Monte Carlo7 ; Tunisie Radio ; Radio Sawa ; MBC TV (Arab) ; Al-Manar TV ; LBC TV ; Nida'ul Islam (Australia) ; Arab Net (Canada) ; Iraq Group (Canada) ; Arabic Network (Amin) ; Yemen Times1 ; Yemen Times7 ; Yemen Times8 ; Kurd Newspaper ; Kurd Net Organization ; Iraq Cp.Organization ; Yemen Al-Ayyam4 ; Yemen Saba News ; Yemen Saba Net ; Yemen Al-Thawrah2 ; Yemen Al-Thawrah3 ; Yemen Al-Thawrah4 ; Yemen Al-WAhdawi ; Yemen Al-Wahdawi2 ; Yemen Times10 ; Marocco Le Matin4 ; Algerian Al-Fadjr ; Algerian El Youm ; Algerian La Tribune2 ; Algerian La Tribune3 ; Algerian La Tribune4 ; Algerian La Tribune5 ; Algerian La Tribune6 ; Algerian El Moudjahid6
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:06 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU!                                                                  Gdynia 17. 01. 2004
Re: My very serious case has blocked now in the US Supreme Court
Independently from below e-mail document I sent (17.09.2003) to the Chief Justice of the United States (in accordance with the Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court) this original document signed by me as authenticity. From this time has passed the fourth month (a lack of the reaction) therefore:
I request you for the disclosure and support of this very serious case for the purpose of the immediate settlement in the US  Supreme Court.
I underline once again (especially for the all Arab and Muslims leaders) that will not be the Palestinian State, peace and democracy in this Middle East region (also in Iraq) if this very serious case is further block in these Arab Mass Mediums (also on line). This blockade my case in your Mass Mediums is the Zionistic crime directed against the own nations and against theall humanity therein Polish nation.
I underline once again that a disclosure of this very serious case is a first step to of the introduction these changes (also in these International Institutions) which will lead to of the building this democracy in Europe and your region.
Has not any other way, therefore this letter to you for the support my case in US Supreme Court.
The receipt of the mail this document to see on my Webs in "News".
With the best regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek

+ enclosure as in the point 1 (Polish mass mediums).

3) Worldly Mass Mediums:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU!                                                                 Gdynia 17. 01. 2004
Re: My very serious case has blocked now in the American Supreme Court.
Independently from my e-mail document (as below) I sent in 17.09.2003 to the Chief Justice of the United States (in accordance with the Rules of the U.S. Supreme Court) this original document signed by me as authenticity. From this time has passed the fourth month (a lack of the reaction) therefore:
I request you for the disclosure and support of this serious complaint in order to ssettle this case in U.S. Supreme Court as the only way of the stop this globalization (centralization) process in World (therein especially now in Europe and USA). This centralized process is very menaced for the all humanity (therein for you) taking into consideration these financial consequences which have caused the biological extermination of these East European nations also the gradual poor of these West European nations. These negative consequences (also economic) are transferred on US economy what will cause the increase of these bankruptcies and thereby the increase of this unemployment and so on.
The further blockade of this very serious case especially now in US Mass Mediums is the Zionistic crime directed against the all humanity (therein now against US nation) and each of you has born the personal responsibility for these dramatic consequences (tragedies) which have resulted from this blockade. A disclosure of this very serious case regardless of this Zionistic financial connection and control is your "fundamental duty" in the situation when this worldly financial system has caused that the whole nations (not only for example in East Europe) are expropriated and exterminated.
The silence in this case of these legal (UNO and so on) and religious (especially Catholic and Muslim) Institutions (competented to of the disclosure this truth)  is a frightening misunderstanding will take into consideration these further tragic events as the result of this blockade and thereby this further Zionistic activity over this International Law (Conventions).
If in this dramatic situation [when US nation has threatened this Zionistic totalitarianism (therein police and military)] you may be silent?
I underline once again that "a disclosure of this very serious case" is the only way that to stop this destructive process in World and especially now in Europe and USA. Has not any other way that to stop this destruction.
With the best regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek

+ enclosure as in the point 1 (Polish mass mediums).

The same document (point 3)  with the above enclosure I sent also to:

4) Boston Globe:

----- Original Message -----
To: Samuel G Allis (BostGlobe) ; Frank Phillips (BostGlobe) ; Richard Gary Klein (BostGlobe) ; Stephanie Ebbert (BostGlobe) ; Yvonne Abraham (BostGlobe) ; Neil Swidey (BostGlobe) ; Charles P Pierce (BostGlobe) ; John Koch (BostGlobe) ; Nick King (BostGlobe Editor) ; Sarah Vaughan Snyder (BostGlobe) ; Johnny Diaz (BostGlobe) ; Raymond T Cunningham (BostGlobe) ; David R Beard (BostGlobe) ; Peter J. Andrews (BostGlobe) ; Scott Greenberger (BostGlobe) ; Corey Dade (BostGlobe) ; Joan Vennochi (BostGlobe) ; Robert Turner (BostGlobe) ; Thomas N Oliphant (BostGlobe) ; Donald A Macgillis (BostGlobe) ; Jeff Jacoby (BostGlobe) ; Derrick Z. Jackson (BostGlobe) ; Ellen Goodman (BostGlobe) ; Ed Wiederer (BostGlobe) ; Brendan Stephens (BostGlobe) ; Jane Simon (BostGlobe) ; David L. Schutz (BostGlobe) ; Anthony Schultz (BostGlobe) ; Marcella Morgese (BostGlobe) ; Joan Mclaughlin (BostGlobe) ; Jane M. Martin (BostGlobe) ; Susan Levin (BostGlobe) ; Greg Klee (BostGlobe) ; Lindsay Kinkade (BostGlobe) ; James Karaian (BostGlobe) ; Kathleen Hennrikus (BostGlobe) ; Maureen E. Goggin (BostGlobe) ; Hwei Wen Foo (BostGlobe) ; Victor De Robertis (BostGlobe) ; Cynthia Daniels (BostGlobe) ; David M. Butler (BostGlobe) ; Jacqueline Berthet (BostGlobe) ; Lesley Becker (BostGlobe) ; Lucy Bartholomay (BostGlobe) ; John Yemma (BostGlobe) ; Mary Jane Wilkinson (BostGlobe) ; Ann Scales (BostGlobe) ; Michael J. Larkin (BostGlobe) ; Helen W Donovan (BostGlobe) ; Martin Baron (BostGlobe) ; Michelle I Sheehan (BostGlobe) ; Debra Sheehan (BostGlobe) ; John M. Shaughnessy (BostGlobe) ; Donna Rice (BostGlobe) ; Thomas Pilla (BostGlobe) ; Cynthia M Karalius (BostGlobe) ; Joanne M. Hall (BostGlobe) ; Michael Greenspon (BostGlobe) ; Edward Berg (BostGlobe) ; Wayne Washington (BostGlobe News) ; Cynthia A Taylor (BostGlobe News) ; Mery Leonard Ramshaw (BostGlobe News) ; Susan Milligan (BostGlobe News) ; Michael Kranish (BostGlobe News) ; Glen Johnson (BostGlobe News) ; Glenda Buell (BostGlobe Editor) ; Margorie Pritchard (BostGlobe Editor) ; Renee Loth (BostGlobe Editor)
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:11 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

5) Chicago Tribune:

----- Original Message -----
To: Andrew Zajac (ChicTribune) ; Jill Zuckman (ChicTribune) ; Eric Zorn (ChicTribune) ; Stanley Ziemba (ChicTribune) ; Jeff Zeleny (ChicTribune) ; Linda Young (ChicTribune) ; Crystal Yednak (ChicTribune) ; Jon Yates (ChicTribune) ; Howard Witt (ChicTribune) ; Mary Wilson (ChicTribune) ; Howard Scott Williams (ChicTribune) ; Cassandra West (ChicTribune) ; Paul Weingarten (ChicTribune) ; Brad Webber (ChicTribune) ; Nancy Watkins (ChicTribune) ; Mary Ellen Walsh (ChicTribune) ; Vickie Walton (ChicTribune W.H.) ; Amanda Vogt (ChicTribune) ; Melody Vasquez (ChicTribune) ; William Van Kirk (ChicTribune) ; Dawn Trice (ChicTribune) ; Walter Tokarz (ChicTribune) ; Kaarin Tisue (ChicTribune) ; Don Terry (ChicTribune) ; Patricia Tennison (ChicTribune) ; Elizabeth Taylor (ChicTribune Editor) ; Julia T. Tatge (ChicTribune) ; Michael Tackett (ChicTribune) ; Barbara Szul (ChicTribune) ; Stevenson Swanson (ChicTribune) ; Nancy Stone (ChicTribune) ; Mary Ann. Stenson (ChicTribune) ; Carolyn Starks (ChicTribune) ; Christine Spolar (ChicTribune) ; Ryan Smith (ChicTribune) ; John Smierciak (ChicTribune) ; Liz Sly (ChicTribune) ; Mark J. Skertic (ChicTribune) ; Cam Simpson (ChicTribune) ; Luke Seeman (ChicTribune) ; Bob Secter (ChicTribune) ; Vincent Schodolski (ChicTribune) ; Mery Schmich (ChicTribune) ; Kirsten Scharnberg (ChicTribune) ; Paul Salopek (ChicTribune) ; Stephen Rynkiewicz (ChicTribune) ; Storer Rowley (ChicTribune Editor) ; Michelle Rowan (ChicTribune) ; Richard Rott (ChicTribune) ; Sam Roe (ChicTribune) ; Alex Rodriguez (ChicTribune) ; Brenda Richardson (ChicTribune) ; Chris Rauser (ChicTribune) ; Diane Rado (ChicTribune) ; William Presecky (ChicTribune) ; Scott Powers (ChicTribune) ; Danielle Parks (ChicTribune) ; Patrick Reardon (ChicTribune) ; Maurice Possley (ChicTribune) ; Rick Pearson (ChicTribune) ; Christi Parsons (ChicTribune) ; Seka Palikuca (ChicTribune) ; Evan Osnos (ChicTribune) ; John O'Loughlin (ChicTribune) ; David M. Nichols (ChicTribune) ; Laura Moran (ChicTribune) ; Kevin Moore (ChicTribune Editor) ; Charlie Meyerson (ChicTribune) ; Karen Mellen (ChicTribune) ; Colin McMahon (ChicTribune Editor) ; Gary Marx (ChicTribune) ; Andrew Martin (ChicTribune) ; Robert Manor (ChicTribune) ; Tony Majeri (ChicTribune) ; Charles Madigan (ChicTribune) ; Jeff Lyon (ChicTribune Editor) ; Ray Long (ChicTribune) ; Michael Lev (ChicTribune) ; Alfredo S. Lanier (ChicTribune) ; Terri Kwiatkowski (ChicTribune) ; Susan Kuczka (ChicTribune) ; Steve Kloehn (ChicTribune) ; Carol Kleiman (ChicTribune) ; Jim Kirk (ChicTribune) ; Michael Kilian (ChicTribune) ; Peter Kendall (ChicTribune) ; Bob Kemper (ChicTribune) ; Susan Keaton (ChicTribune) ; Shira A. Kantor (ChicTribune) ; Denise Joyce (ChicTribune) ; Patrice Jones (ChicTribune) ; Steve Johnson (ChicTribune) ; Michael Jett (ChicTribune Editor) ; John Jansson (ChicTribune) ; Frank James (ChicTribune) ; Paul Jacobson (ChicTribune) ; Tom Hundley (ChicTribune) ; Doug Holt (ChicTribune) ; Bill Hogan (ChicTribune) ; Dodie Hofstetter (ChicTribune) ; Yolanda Hernandez (ChicTribune) ; Stephen J. Hedges (ChicTribune) ; Maureen Hart (ChicTribune) ; John Handley (ChicTribune) ; Ron Grossman (ChicTribune) ; Joseph Gray (ChicTribune Editor) ; Judith Graham (ChicTribune) ; Laurie Goering (ChicTribune) ; Ray Gibson (ChicTribune) ; Marshall Froker (ChicTribune Editor) ; Stephen Franklin (ChicTribune) ; Susanne Fowler (ChicTribune Editor) ; Jacqueline Fitzgerald (ChicTribune) ; Leah Eskin (ChicTribune) ; Glen Elsasser (ChicTribune W.H.) ; John Dowd (ChicTribune) ; Michael Dorning (ChicTribune) ; Marie Dillon (ChicTribune) ; John Diamond (ChicTribune W.H.) ; Mary L. Dedinsky (ChicTribune) ; Suzanne Cosgrove (ChicTribune) ; Michael Cordts (ChicTribune Editor) ; John J. Cook (ChicTribune) ; Jacqueline A. Combs (ChicTribune) ; Terri Colby (ChicTribune) ; Laurie Cohen (ChicTribune) ; Jeff Coen (ChicTribune) ; Desiree Chen (ChicTribune) ; John Chase (ChicTribune) ; Stephen Chapman (ChicTribune Board) ; Carmel Carrillo (ChicTribune) ; Lou Carlozo (ChicTribune Editor) ; Karen Callaway (ChicTribune) ; Lucy Ann. Caffee (ChicTribune) ; Rudolph Bush (ChicTribune) ; Greg Burns (ChicTribune) ; Genevieve Buck (ChicTribune) ; Torry Bruno (ChicTribune Director) ; Terry Brown (ChicTribune) ; Bob Brown (ChicTribune) ; Barbara Brotman (ChicTribune) ; Gary Borg (ChicTribune) ; Jeff Boda (ChicTribune Editor) ; Yvonne M. Bland (ChicTribune) ; Jill Blackman (ChicTribune) ; Lisa Black (ChicTribune) ; Kathy Bergen (ChicTribune) ; Stephan Benzkofer (ChicTribune) ; Eric Benderoff (ChicTribune Editor) ; Naftali Bendavid (ChicTribune W.H.) ; Chris Bennett (ChicTribune) ; Allison Benedikt (ChicTribune Editor) ; Robert Becker (ChicTribune) ; Richard Bashor (ChicTribune Editor) ; Bill Barnhart (ChicTribune) ; Kim Barker (ChicTribune) ; Claudia Banks (ChicTribune Editor) ; Debra Bade (ChicTribune) ; Rich Anderson (ChicTribune News Editor) ; Lisa Anderson (ChicTribuneN.Y.) ; William C. Albritton (ChicTribune Editor) ; Bill Adee (ChicTribune Editor) ; James Warren (ChicTribune Editor) ; George de Lama (ChicTribune Editor) ; Don N. Wycliff (ChicTribune Editor) ; James O'Shea (ChicTribune Editor) ; Bruce R. Dold (ChicTribune Editor) ; Ann Marie Lipinski (ChicTribune Editor) ; Chicago Tribune ; John Kass (Chicago Tribune)
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

6) Los Angeles Times:

----- Original Message -----
To: Jon Thurber (L.A.Times) ; Richard Core (L.A.Times) ; Annette Kondo (L.A.Times) ; Leilah Bernstein (L.A.Times) ; Christina Dalton (L.A.Times) ; Roger Smith (L.A.Times) ; Roxane Arnold (L.A.Times) ; Bill Sing (L.A.Times) ; Craig Turner (L.A.Times) ; Leo Wolinsky ; Linda Finestone (L.A.Times) ; Paul Whitefield (L.A.Times) ; Robert Wishart (L.A.Times) ; Denise Bennett (L.A.Times) ; Ed Stockly (L.A.Times) ; Lauren Beale (L.A.Times) ; Ann Herold (L.A.Times) ; Oscar Garza (L.A.Times) ; Drex Heikes (L.A.Times) ; Elizabeth Jensen (L.A.Times) ; Timothy Rutten (L.A.Times) ; David Shaw (L.A.Times) ; Bill Dwyre (L.A.Times) ; Walter Hamilton (L.A.Times) ; Jonathan Peterson (L.A.Times) ; Peter Gosselin (L.A.Times) ; Meg James (L.A.Times) ; Jesus Sanchez (L.A.Times) ; Marla Dickerson (L.A.Times) ; Don Lee (L.A.Times) ; Sue Horton (L.A.Times) ; Mary Cox (L.A.Times) ; Mary Engel (L.A.Times) ; Greg Johnson (L.A.Times) ; Linda Rogers (L.A.Times) ; Carlos Lozano (L.A.Times) ; Julie Green (L.A.Times) ; Jean Pasco (L.A.Times) ; Jack Leonard (L.A.Times) ; Christine Hanley (L.A.Times) ; Dana Parsons (L.A.Times) ; Phil Willon (L.A.Times) ; Jack Robinson (L.A.Times) ; Richard Kipling (L.A.Times) ; John Glionna (L.A.Times) ; Tony Perry (L.A.Times) ; Louis Sahagun (L.A.Times) ; Mark Arax (L.A.Times) ; Ken Weiss (L.A.Times) ; Beth Shuster (L.A.Times) ; John Mitchell (L.A.Times) ; Frank Clifford (L.A.Times) ; David Lauter (L.A.Times) ; Virginia Ellis (L.A.Times) ; Patrick McGreevy (L.A.Times) ; Matea Gold (L.A.Times) ; Jessica Garrison (L.A.Times) ; Bill Nottingham (L.A.Times) ; Joan Goulding (L.A.Times) ; Cathy Decker (L.A.Times) ; Jim Newton (L.A.Times) ; Steve Padilla (L.A.Times) ; Julie Marquis (L.A.Times) ; Richard Winton (L.A.Times) ; Maura Dolan (L.A.Times) ; David Rosenzweig (L.A.Times) ; Steve Berry (L.A.Times) ; Anna Gorman (L.A.Times) ; Scott Glover (L.A.Times) ; John Spano (L.A.Times) ; Paul Feldman (L.A.Times) ; Robert Lopez (L.A.Times) ; Shelby Grad (L.A.Times) ; Maura Reynolds (L.A.Times) ; David Savage (L.A.Times) ; Ronald Brownstein (L.A.Times) ; Esther Schrader (L.A.Times) ; Robin Wright (L.A.Times) ; Warren Vieth (L.A.Times) ; Janet Hook (L.A.Times) ; Nick Anderson (L.A.Times) ; Adrianne Goodman (L.A.Times) ; Don Frederick (L.A.Times) ; Joel Havemann (L.A.Times) ; Tom McCarthy (L.A.Times) ; Doyle McManus (L.A.Times) ; Elizabeth Mehren (L.A.Times) ; John Goldman (L.A.Times) ; Josh Getlin (L.A.Times) ; Tom Gorman (L.A.Times) ; Scott Gold (L.A.Times) ; Stephanie Simon (L.A.Times) ; Eric Slater (L.A.Times) ; Ken Ellingwood (L.A.Times) ; Ralph Vartabedian (L.A.Times) ; Barry Siegel (L.A.Times) ; Bill Rempel (L.A.Times) ; Terry McDermott (L.A.Times) ; Peter King (L.A.Times) ; Glenn Bunting (L.A.Times) ; Mark Barabak (L.A.Times) ; Joan Springhetti (L.A.Times) ; John Stewart (L.A.Times) ; Millie Quan (L.A.Times) ; Steve Clow (L.A.Times) ; Tom Furlong (L.A.Times) ; Scott Kraft (L.A.Times) ; Alissa Rubin (L.A.Times) ; Maggie Farley (L.A.Times) ; Mark Magnier (L.A.Times) ; ChingChing Ni (L.A.Times) ; Tracy Wilkinson (L.A.Times) ; Sebastian Rotella (L.A.Times) ; Paul Watson (L.A.Times) ; Davan Maharaj (L.A.Times) ; Kim Murphy (L.A.Times) ; David Holley (L.A.Times) ; John Daniszewski (L.A.Times) ; Chris Kraul (L.A.Times) ; Richard Boudreaux (L.A.Times) ; Megan Stack (L.A.Times) ; Tyler Marshall (L.A.Times) ; Michael Slackman (L.A.Times) ; Hector Tobar (L.A.Times) ; Henry Chu (L.A.Times) ; Mark Porubcansky (L.A.Times) ; Roger Ainshley (L.A.Times) ; Mary Braswell (L.A.Times) ; Marjorie Miller (L.A.Times) ; Janet Clayton (L.A.Times) ; Dean Baquet (L.A.Times) ; Los Angeles Times ; Los Angeles Times
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)


7) Financial Times and Independent:

----- Original Message -----
To: Maija Pesola (F.T.Columnist) ; Alex Skorecki (F.T.Columnist) ; Gareth Smyth (F.T.Columnist) ; George Parker (F.T.Columnist) ; Richard Lapper (F.T.Columnist) ; Suzanne Glass (F.T.Columnist) ; Tom Foremski (F.T.Columnist) ; Nancy Dunne (F.T.Columnist) ; Daniel Dombey (F.T.Columnist) ; John Dizard (F.T.Columnist) ; Judy Dempsey (F.T. in Brussels) ; Robert Cottrell (F.T.Chief in Moscow) ; Philip Coggan (F.T.Columnist) ; Peter Chapman (F.T.Columnist) ; James Blitz (F.T.Political Editor) ; Martin Wolf (F.T.Commentator) ; Richard Tomkins (F.T.Editor) ; Philip Stephens (F.T.Editor in U.K.) ; Michael Skapinker (F.T.Manager) ; Amity Shlaes (F.T.Columnist) ; John Plender (F.T.Commentator) ; Quentin Peel (F.T.Editor) ; John Kay (F.T.Business) ; Tony Jackson (F.T.Business) ; Samuel Brittan (F.T.Economic Commentator) ; Gerard Baker (F.T.News) ; David Felton (Independent) ; Independent Webmaster ; Independent Syndication ; Independent Letters ; Independent Business ; Independent Features ; Independent Faoreign ; Independent News
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:13 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

8) Forbes Magazine and Daily Mirror:

----- Original Message -----
To: Greg Williams (ForbMagaz) ; Jim Surak (ForbMagaz) ; Victoria Lee (ForbMagaz) ; Kai Hecker (ForbMagaz) ; Nina Gould (ForbMagaz) ; Tania Puell (ForbMagaz) ; Jeff Bauer (ForbMagaz) ; Alessandra Lasanta (ForbMagaz) ; Cameron Miller (ForbMagaz) ; Andrea Feddersen (ForbMagaz) ; Lance Johnson (ForbMagaz) ; Kathleen Jaucian (ForbMagaz) ; Lauren Wray (ForbMagaz) ; Andrew Freedman (ForbMagaz) ; Ann Honomichl (ForbMagaz) ; Richard Kosinski (ForbMagaz) ; Nancy Sterling (ForbMagaz) ; Robert Pietsch (ForbMagaz) ; R J. Kirkland (ForbMagaz) ; Debbie Weathers (ForbMagaz) ; Laura E. Eydeler (ForbMagaz) ; Saleega Shah (ForbMagaz) ; George Vogliano (ForbMagaz) ; Lowell Simpson (ForbMagaz) ; Alan Lee (ForbMagaz) ; Ann Rafalko (ForbMagaz) ; Stephen J. Paelet (ForbMagaz) ; Tasha Blaine (ForbMagaz) ; Brent Nootenboom (ForbMagaz) ; Jesse Schwartz (ForbMagaz) ; Timothy McCarthy (ForbMagaz) ; Greg Levine (ForbMagaz) ; Jane Jackson (ForbMagaz) ; Ed Lin (ForbMagaz) ; Eric Chen (ForbMagaz) ; Bruce Janicke (ForbMagaz) ; Dominic Custodio (ForbMagaz) ; Jess Podell (ForbMagaz) ; Mitchell Lee (ForbMagaz) ; Tara Murphy (ForbMagaz) ; Farren Ionita (ForbMagaz) ; Christina Valhouli (ForbMagaz) ; Alec Gorman (ForbMagaz) ; Matthew Herper (ForbMagaz) ; Ivan Brusic (ForbMagaz) ; Davide Dukcevich (ForbMagaz) ; Michael Smith (ForbMagaz) ; Betsy Schiffman (ForbMagaz) ; Arik Hesseldahl (ForbMagaz) ; Mary Holahan (ForbMagaz) ; Dan Ackman (ForbMagaz) ; Danielle Shevitz (ForbMagaz) ; Dan Lienert (ForbMagaz) ; Bruce H. Rogers (ForbMagaz) ; Penelope Patsuris (ForbMagaz) ; Michael Frank (ForbMagaz) ; Minsok Oh (ForbMagaz) ; Lisa DiCarlo (ForbMagaz) ; Debbie Liu (ForbMagaz) ; Dylan Fitch (ForbMagaz) ; Mark Lewis (ForbMagaz) ; Julie Watson (ForbMagaz) ; Susan E. Stegemann (ForbMagaz) ; Virginia Citrano (ForbMagaz) ; Michael Noer (ForbMagaz) ; Charles Dubow (ForbMagaz) ; Paul Maidment (ForbMagaz) ; ForbMagazine (Letters) ; Daily Mirror (Feedback) ; Daily Mirror (Lalani) ; Daily Mirror (Amysi) ; Evening Standard ; Daily Mirror (Austin) ; Daily Mirror (Kerslake) ; Daily Mirror (Richardson) ; Daily Mirror (Reilly) ; Daily Mirror (Scurra) ; Daily Mirror (Net News) ; Daily Mirror (Pictures) ; Daily Mirror (News) ; Daily Mirror
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:13 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

9) Associated Press and Evening Standard:

----- Original Message -----
To: Peter Howard (Associated Press) ; Clarisa Gerlach (Associated Press) ; Janine Dorsey (Associated Press) ; Jim Collins (Associated Press) ; Vidisha Priyanka (Associated Press) ; Rochelle Williams (Associated Press) ; Terry Taormina (Associated Press) ; Kirk Read (Associated Press) ; Tara Voelker (Associated Press) ; Jim Riley (Associated Press) ; Economist (Rights) ; Economist (Letters) ; Economist (Asia) ; Economist (America) ; Jayne Oliver (Economist) ; Gail Randall (Economist) ; Evening Standard (Job) ; Evening Standard (Advertise) ; ; Evening Standard (Help) ; Evening Standard (Design) ; Evening Standard (Money) ; Evening Standard (Finance) ; Evening Standard (Trial) ; Evening Standard (Community) ; Evening Standard (Jobs) ; Evening Standard (Homes) ; Evening Standard (Sales) ; Evening Standard (Communication) ; Evening Standard (Promotions) ; Evening Standard ;
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

10) Reuters, Telegraph, USA Today, Time and UPI:

----- Original Message -----
To: Reuters Editor in Singapore ; Reuters Editor in N.Y. ; Heike Baumann ( Marketing Communications Manager, Germany in Rauters) ; Samantha Topping ( Director Media Relations in US Reuters) ; Nancy Bobrowitz ( Vice-President Corporate Communications in US Reuters) ; Stephen Naru ( Head of Global Public Relations in Reuters) ; Yasmeen Khan ( Manager Public Relations in Reuters) ; Susan Allsopp (Manager Public Relations in Reuters) ; Simon Walker (Director of Corporate Communications in Reuters) ; Telegraph (Editor) ; Telegraph (Letters) ; Telegraph ; Time (Sri Lanka) ; Time (Pakistan) ; Time (Contact) ; Time (Letters) ; Time (Editors) ; USA ToDay(Forum) ; USA ToDay ; Peter Johnson (USAToday) ; Marc Oram (General Legal Counsel ) ; ; Lidia Wasowicz ( Senior Science Writer) ; Peter Roff ( National Political Analyst) ; UPI News
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:35 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

11) Washington Post:

----- Original Message -----
To: Jonathan Yardley (Critic WashPost) ; Graeme Zielinski (staff Writer WashPost) ; Bob Woodward (Editor WashPost) ; Yolanda Woodlee (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Harriet Winslow (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Teresa Wiltz (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Tom Wilkinson (Editor WashPost) ; Jonathan Weisman (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Joby Warrick (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Ed Walsh (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Barbara Vobejda (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Carol Vinzant (Staff Writer WashPost) ; David A. Vise (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Neely Tucker (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Craig Timberg (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Robert Thomason (Reseacher WashPost) ; Paula Span (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Peter Slevin (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Tom Shroder (Editor WashPost) ; Liz Seymour (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Mike Semel (Editor WashPost) ; Rene Sanchez (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Jim Rowe (Sundey Edition WashPost) ; Hanna Rosin (Editorial Writer WashPost) ; Manuel Roig-Franzia (Staff WritterWashPost) ; Ken Ringle (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Pat Reilly (National Editor WashPost) ; Monte Reel (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Dana Priest (National Writer WashPost) ; Margaret Pressler (Staff Writer WashPost) ; MIchael Powell (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Peter Perl (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Steven Pearlstein (Staff Writer WashPost) ; David Ottaway (Reporter WashPost) ; Terry O'Hara (Business Editor WashPost) ; Bill O'Brian (Editor WashPost) ; Yuki Noguchi (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Liza Mundy (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Steven Mufson (Editor WashPost) ; Richard Morin (Staff Writer WashPost) ; David Montgomery (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Nancy McKeon (Business Editor WashPost) ; Ruth Marcus (National Editor WashPost) ; Sebastian Mallaby (Editorial Writer WashPost) ; Colum Lynch (National Correspondent WashPost) ; Vernon Loeb (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Carol Leonnig (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Jeff Leen (Investigations Editor WashPost) ; Christopher Lee (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Daniel LeDuc (National Editor WashPost) ; Charles Lane (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Howard Kurtz (Media Critic WashPost) ; Serge Kovaleski (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Jerry Knight (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Glenn Kessler (Staff Writer WashPost) ; John Kelly (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Dan Keating (Database Editor WashPost) ; Jackie Jones (Business Editor WashPost) ; Erica Johnston (City Editor WashPost) ; Mae Israel (Extra Editor WashPost) ; Neil Irwin (Business Writer WashPost) ; Anne Hull (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Mike Hill (Week Editor WashPost) ; Nell Henderson (Economics Editor WashPost) ; John Harris (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Steven Gray (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Tom Graham (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Annie Goven (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Ann Gerhart (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Sandy Fleishman (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Manny Fernandez (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Paul Farhi (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Doug Farah (Investigative Reporter WashPost) ; Gabe Escobar (City Editor WashPost) ; Juliet Eilperin (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Dan Eggen (Justice Department WashPost) ; Thomas B. Edsall (National Writer WashPost) ; Jill Dutt (Financial News WashPost) ; Michael Dobbs (Foreign Reporter WashPost) ; Claudia Deane (Assistant Director WashPost) ; Sarah Cohen (Database Editor WashPost) ; Bill Claiborne (National Writer WashPost) ; Peter Carlson (Columnist WashPost) ; Nora Boustany (Diplomatic Columnist WashPost) ; William Booth (Staff Writer WashPost) ; Phil Bennett (Foreign News WashPost) ; Felice Belman (Political Editor WashPost) ; Stephen Barr (Federal Columnist WashPost) ; Dan Balz (National Writer WashPost) ; Charles Babington (National Editor in Congress) ; John Ward Anderson (Foreign Corresp. WashPost) ; Mike Allen (White House Writer WashPost) ; Frank Ahrens (Financial Writer WashPost) ; Joel Achenbach (National Writer WashPost) ; Michael Abramowitz (National Editor WashPost) ; Michael Getler (Ombudsman WashPost) ; Washington Post ; Washington Post ;
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:27 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

12) NBC, Newsweek and N. Y. Times:

----- Original Message -----
To: NBC (Lexington) ; NBC (Anniston) ; NBC (Madison) ; NBC (Baltimore) ; NBC (Burlington) ; NBC (Portland) ; NBC (Charlotte) ; NBC (Seattle) ; NBC (Dayton) ; NBC (Sacramento) ; NBC (Washington) ; NBC (Detroit) ; NBC (Santa Maria) ; NBC (San Luis) ; NBC (Ventura County) ; NBC (Orange County) ; NBC (Los Angeles) ; NBC (Sandiego) ; MSNBC (Business) ; MSNBC (News) ; MSNBC (Letters) ; MSNBC (Services) ; NBC (Press) ; NBC (DateLine) ; NBC (Weekend) ; NBC (News) ; NBC (Today) ; Tom Brokaw (Nightly News) ; Newsweek (Customer) ; Newsweek (InterEditors) ; Newsweek (Letters) ; Newsweek [Polska] ; Newsweek (Editors) ; NBC (Santa Rosa) ; NBC (Birmingham) ; NBC (Pittsburg) ; NBC (Phoenix) ; NBC (Houston) ; NBC (New Orleans) ; NBC (Minneapolis) ; NBC (Indianapolis) ; NBC (Dover) ; NBC (Long Island) ; William Safire (NY.Times Columnist) ; Paul Krugman (NY.Times Columnist) ; Nicholas D. Kristof (NY.Times Columnist) ; Bob Herbert (NY.Times Columnist) ; Maureen Dowd (NY.Times Columnist) ; David Brooks (NY.Times Columnist) ; NY.Times (News Business) ; NY.Times (News Washington) ; NY.Times (News National) ; NY.Times (News) ; NY.Times (Menaging Editor) ; NY.Times (Executive Editors) ; Susan Edgerley ; New York Times ; News Department (NY.Times) ; Editorial Page (NY.Times) ; Editor (NY.Times) ; Arthur Sulzberger (NY.Times Chairman) ; Janet L. Robinson (NY.Times President)
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:23 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

13) Israel Mass Mediums:

----- Original Message -----
To: Israel Broadcasting13 ; Israel Broadcasting12 ; Israel Broadcasting11 ; Isreal Broadcasting10 ; Israel Broadcasting9 ; Israel Broadcasting8 ; Israel Broadcasting7 ; Israel Broadcasting6 ; Israel Broadcasting5 ; Israel Broadcasting4 ; Israel Broadcasting3 ; Israel Broadcasting2 ; Israel Broadcasting ; Meir Azoulay (JerPost) ; Liat Collins (JerPost) ; Jerusalem Post (Founds) ; Nahum Bedein (JerPost) ; Judy Siegel-Itzkovich (JerPost) ; Ruthie Blum (JerPost) ; Andrea Levin (JerPost) ; Daniel Pipes (JerPost) ; Naomi Ragen (JerPost) ; Ron Dermer (JerPost) ; Michael Freund (JerPost) ; David Newman (JerPost) ; Babara Sofer (JerPost) ; Barry Rubin (JerPost) ; Barel Wein (JerPost) ; Jonathan Rosenblum (JerPost) ; Shlomi Riskin (JerPost) ; Saul Singer (JerPost) ; Amotz Asa-El (JerPost) ; Jerusalem Post (Business) ; Jerusalem Post (Letters) ; Jerusalem Post (Editors) ; Jerusalem Post (Internet) ; Jerusalem Post (Archive) ; Jerusalem Post (Edition) ; Jerusalem Post (3) ; Jerusalem Post (2) ; Jerusalem Post (1)
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:15 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

14) Guardian and Herald Tribune:

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Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 5:14 PM
Subject: complaint against U.S. Government and Congress (Human Rights)

Unfortunately from this time has passed the second month and they are silent further what confirm this blockade my very serious case and consequently this mentioned tragedy in Madrid (Zionistic crime).

What the sense have these presidential elections in USA, Russia and others if these candidates (Bush, Kerry, Putin and others) are not able to disclose this very serious case that to stop this worldly economic destruction therein this biological extermination of these whole nations around the world (therein Polish and others).

How to explain this silence of these Arab Mass Mediums (therein Palestinian) which should be interested a disclosure of this very serious case because this is the only way that will build this democratic Palestinian State (also Iraq) and thereby a democracy in this region of the world?

How to explain this silence of this United Nations Organization (therein Mr. Kofi Annan) which should be reacted first on these unlawful criminal practices Mr. Bush's, Blair's, Aznar's and so on?

How to explain this silence of these religious institutions which have accepted these Zionistic crimes and murders and at the same time they have blocked this very serious case?

If these specialists of the US Supreme Court are conscious what they have done by the blockade of this very serious case which as the only way may to stop this worldly destruction (therein a building of this totalitarian European Union and totalitarian USA)?

I underline that in the situation of this biological extermination these whole nations (therein for example a genocide of the Chechnyan and Palestinian nations) and in the situation of the expropriation from properties these whole nations (East Europe and others) a fundamental duty of the every right man and woman (especially in Mass Mediums) is a dislosure of this very serious case for the future your and our children.

If really this inscription on the building of the US Supreme Court as "Equel Justice Under Law" has to be only the legal dummy?

Once again I underline that only from your activity (these pressures on the US Supreme Court) especially Mass Mediums will be depended if this very serious case will stay disclosured [to go in of this US Administration (Government, Congress and Supreme Court) on this legal way] and thereby if this destructive process in World (also now in USA) will stay stopped.

I repeat again that this unlawful control over this Iraqi nation (US and coalition) should be transferred now to the UN Organization as the only way of the stop these massacres in Iraq (therein US soldiers) and others. Only UNO as the International Legal Organization is entitled to of the calling this interim Government and thereby to of the supervision these free democratic elections in Iraq.

American nation wake up!! Because these international profits ( as a result of the maintenance this Zionistic financial control around the world) which have flowed to USA will be suddenly decreased and Mr. Greenspan has exhausted the all possibilities (these cuts) in USA that these outside losses have recompensed internally.

What does this mean for World (therein Europe) and for this US economy (therein Mass Mediums) you wery well known. You want to continue this one by this silence?

With kindest regards,

Yours sincelery,

Stnislaw Kaczmarek

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