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Images From Strasbourg (12-16.09.2000)

Protest on the stairs before the Council of Europe to the time when secret services forced me (despite of the legal documents) to leaving of the stairs. After the explanation of the legal ground of this protest they have permitted on the continuation this protest before the Council's grounds as below.


This protest by the main street (in front of the Council of Europe) was continued every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The many visitors from World also from Poland talked with me and they were shocked this situation and thereby this lawlessness. Unfortunately the journalists (informed about this protest) have not arrived to Strasbourg that to substantiate this fact.


A documentation my protest before the intervention of these secret services in the Council of Europe. Click picture.


The rest and meeting (after 20 years) with my brother's family at Gorzow before the crossing of the border (Frankfurt/Oder) and draving to Strasbourg (1300 km.)


After my return to home from Strasbourg . On the picture my wife and my the best friend "amber".


Ms. Ewa Madej as Swedish citizen (Polish descent) has expropriated and violated by this zionistic Perrson's band has protested "day by day" since 1996 year in front of this Human Rights Center for reason of the rejection her complaint against this Swedish Government by the Council of Europe. She repeatedly provoked was stopped unlawful by this French police. Her appeals to UNO (Human Rights Center) has not brought the none result. This is a next criminal legal scandal.


The Polish clochard (beggar) " Zdzicho" which to stay and live at Strasbourg on the knees before my protest As a very good friend he and other clochards have helped me (food and drink) when I have protested from 9am. to 6pm. every day.

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