Special Edition designed for
American nation therein Government and Congress
The worldly situation
is dramatic, tragic and hopeless because this International Law
(Conventions) has not worked and the present situation in World
(also in USA) confirm it. I crossed a long legal way from down to
top have fought by the ten years ( 1991 - 2002) for these fundamental
human rights for me and others (therein this 90% of the human population
in World). Unfortunately the only effect of this legal fight is
so that I may state now legally and responsible that:
World has governed
(over these International Conventions) the Zionistic (communist)
band in USA by means of this totalitarian financial system and by
means of these Zionistic (communist, socialist and others) agencies
which are very dangerous for these violated nations in World therein
Polish, Russian, Chinese and so on.
The consequences
of the maintenance this Zionistic financial control in World by
means of this totalitarian worldly financial system also by means
of these totalitarian agencies (also in Poland) it not only this
dramatic situation on Balkans, Caucasus (Chechnya), Middle East,
Africa, Afghanistan, Philippines and so on therein: Ireland, Spain
but it especially the biological extermination of these whole violated
nations therein: Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese
and others therein especially these Palestinian, Chechnyan and Taliban
nations which have suffered the highest losses in the fight with
this Zionistic financial and military terrorism especially now represented
by American Government and Congress.
This dramatic situation
in World has led to of this tragedy in New York and Washington but
unfortunately American Government and Congress (have controlled
by this Zionistic financial establishment in USA) were not and are
not able to draw further conclusions from these tragedies what confirmed
this Zionistic (terrorist) mad attack on Taliban nation under the
pretext of the fight with this International terrorism (which a
Centrum is exactly on American Capital Hill).
Who is responsible
for this dramatic situation in World which will lead to of this
global tragedy (therein this earlier devastation and destruction
of the USA economy)?
Legally for this
worldly tragedy is responsible American Government and Congress
for reason of this unlawful blockade my case (against this Polish
and European Zionistic agencies) in American Supreme Court as the
only legal way of the stop this totalitarian Zionistic (communist)
expansion in World (therein now in USA). This situation has caused
that American Government and Congress are the greatest terrorist
organization which to shield these totalitarian Zionistic (communists,
socialists and others) agencies in World (therein in Poland and
Europe) which have exterminated the whole nations.
Really for this
dramatic worldly situation are responsible the persons who represent
this Zionistic financial establishment in USA [Mr.: Bush (Sr), Carter,
Kissinger, Dole, Chase, Soros, Sachs, Turner, Murdoch and others]
and who for the maintenance of this Zionistic financial control
in World (They have controlled financial also Secret Services in
USA) are able to destroy the whole nations have not excluded American
nation (by the provocation of this nuclear attack). These persons
as the potential criminals (for reason of the blockade this legal
solution for Poland, Europe and World) hidden for this financial
screen have not born the none responsibility for these past and
present tragedies (for example now in Afghanistan).
Such are facts which
have led to of this dramatic situation in World (also in USA) and
which will lead to of this global catastrophe if this personal responsibility
is not be restored immediately (American Government and Congress)
and my case as the only legal way of the stop this worldly destruction
is not be considered by the American Supreme Court.
In this present
hopeless situation (what confirm these last events therein this
religious meeting in Asyz also this Davos meeting in NY which nothing
solved) a duty of the every thought man and woman is a disclosure
of this very important case which must to be considered by American
Supreme Court as the only legal way of the stop this worldly destruction
which the consequence also will be this nuclear (suitcase) strike
in these financial institutions at USA. Such nuclear strike (the
same as this mad attack on WTC and DC) must to follow as the consequence
and response on this Zionistic violence in World (Zionistic criminal
madness and insolence).
I apply once again
to American Congressmen and Congresswomen if you want to admit to
of the such nuclear attack when this legal solution for Poland,
Europe and World (therein for American nation) is in your hands?
The admittance to
of the above tragic situation (when this legal solution for Poland,
Europe and World is blocked in American Supreme Court) will be the
greatest tragedy of the Mankind caused exactly by this Zionistic
irresponsibility and ignorance.
If you want will
admit to of this global tragedy?
function this worldly financial system
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek