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US Kongres i Rząd

To jest moja korespondencja wysłana do amerykańskiego Rządu i Kongresu w dn. 6. Czerwiec, 2001r. Mam nadzieję, że spowoduje ona (przy Waszej pomocy) rozpatrzenie mej sprawy w amerykańskim Najwyższym Sądzie, co stworzy podstawy do wprowadzenia w Polsce rzeczywiście demokratycznego systemu rządzenia, jako integralnej części budowania demokratycznej Europy. Jeszcze raz proszę o e-mailowe i listowe interwencje w amerykańskim Kongresie i Rządzie, celem załatwienia tej tak ważnej sprawy dla przyszłości narodu polskiego i narodów europejskich.

Podaję adresy:

Mr. George W. Bush/ White House/ Washington D.C. 20502/ USA


Mr. Dennis Hastert/ U.S.House of Representatives/ 2263 Rayburn House Office Building/ Washington D.C. 20515/ USA


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:15 PM
Subject: Human Rights

Emergency!                                                                        Gdynia 6. June, 2001

American President
With reference to my e-mail and post mail letters dated 6. December, 2000 year sent to your Government and Congress (passed six months) again I apply to you for the immediate direction my matter to your Supreme Court as the only way of the stop this zionistic (communist) expansion in Europe and World what confirm this silence and hiding of these very serious facts also before your nation.
I ask Mr: Bush, Cheney, Powell, Ashcroft also Congressmen and Congresswomen if you want to bear this responsibility for these past and future tragedies which will follow ? in the situation when this matter (my complaint No 26617/95) in progress unlawful was blocked in European Court for reason of this irresponsibility especially of these zionistic European leaders who have built this totalitarian European Union against the all European nations therein Polish.
World will menace the economical bomb (not military) therefore this matter must be disclosed and directed to your Supreme Court even at the cost of the accusation Mr. Clinton's and Mr. Gore's who despite of the explanations and warnings admitted to of this abnormal (criminal) situation in Europe and World.
I explain once more that:
  • The consequences of the maintenance this worldly totalitarian financial system only by means of these G-7 currencies also by means of these zionistic (communist) agencies in these totalitarian Countries (as for example Poland, Russia, China and others) are unpredictable and horrifying. It not only a building of this totalitarian European Union with this substitute "euro" against this common sense but it first of all this biological extermination of these violated nations has caused exactly a maintenance of these totalitarian government systems adapted to of these substitutes (no currencies) which have enabled this laundering of these credits and loans (Worldly Bank) which have returned under this zionistic (communist) control to of this zionistic financial establishment especially in your Country. The admission in these totalitarian Country to of this financial and material expropriation within the confines of these zionistic (communist) government systems by the limited financial resources (for example Poland in this financial rotation is ~250 billion zloty in substitute instead of these ~4 trillion zloty in currency as in normal democratic system) as the result of the adaptation these totalitarian soviet government systems to of this new totalitarian European Union structure it is the greatest zionistic (soviet) crime has inflicted of these violated nations therein Polish. I underline once again that the further maintenance of this worldly totalitarian financial system thereby this further continuation of this destructive process (as this irresponsible building of this totalitarian European Union) will lead to of this tragedy "not only" on this European continent. If these zionistic European leaders who by force have built this totalitarian European Union against the all European nations (when this democratic and legal solution is blocked in European Court) are responsible and normal? If the such lawlessness in Europe has accept American Government and Congress?
  • This destructive process which will lead to of this global tragedy as the result of the maintenance this present worldly financial system may to stop "only" by this return on this legal way (Conventions) for the purpose of the expansion this democratic area in Europe, Russian Federation, China, Asia, Middle East, Africa and others. The instruments to of the realization this aim (which must be realized) it exactly an introduction of these democratic government systems adapted to of this free trade and free market in which a currency (correct amount of these legal tenders) is defined on the ground of this stock exchange index. Therefore that will build really this democratic United Europe with this single European currency defined on this European stock exchange index must be fulfilled the following conditions as: the adaptation (decentralization) of these West European government systems to of this free trade and in these East European Countries (also on Balkans) must be introduced these full democratic government systems adapted to of this free trade and free market in which to function a currency defined on the ground of these own stock exchange indexes (transitional) for the purpose of departure (issue) from these soviet government systems with these limitation resources in substitutes and for the purpose of the financial and material enfranchisement these violated nations. Only on the base of these equal economical and financial conditions may define correctly this convertibility (especially to dollar) and thereby an amount of these legal tenders for the introduction of this single European currency which replace these individual currencies in Europe.
  • If this decentralization (adaptation to of this free trade) is possible to of the realization in these West European government systems (this German financial system should be increased for reason of the taking over this control over this East German economy) then the introduction of these real democratic government systems in these East European Countries also on Balkans (without of this legal decision) is impossible for reason of this legal limitation which have secured the maintenance of the rule by these zionistic (soviet) agencies by means of these totalitarian government systems adapted to of these substitutes. The change of these totalitarian government system adapted to of these substitutes on these real democratic government systems adapted to of the currencies may follow only on this legal way therefore my matter (complaint No 26617/95) must be considered by your Supreme Court.
  • The cut of these taxes (Mr. President) and interest (Mr. Greenspan) is a right way in your Country for reason of the increase of this democratic space on down (States), development and reconstruction your economy which must be adapted to of this free trade but these facts (also this missile defense Mr. Rumsfeld's) will not shelter your nation from this zionistic (communist) expansion forced by this worldly totalitarian financial system what confirm this tragic situation in Europe and this silence in your Country. The introduction of the above facts into effect in the situation of the blockade my matter (complaint No 26617/95) in your Supreme Court will cause not only an increase your economic growth (caused an increase of this interior demand) but this one will cause also a limitation your export not only to Europe because the every interference in this worldly (totalitarian) closed financial system must to cause these definite financial effects in the other currencies (especially in Europe) which will be had to bear the consequence of the maintenance these zionistic (communist) agencies not only in these East European Countries and Balkans but also in this Russian Federation, China, Asia and others. This situation will cause consequently the increase of the inflation and unemployment in these West European Countries (decline of the production and living standards) and thereby a decline of the production not only in these East European Countries what is very menaced for reason of this zionistic devastation these national economies have caused the lack of these own currencies. This situation will lead straight to of this social explosion and the none zionistic (soviet) consolidation in Europe (this speech Mr. Jospin's or Mr. Solana's in Budapest) the same as this increase of this domestic barter in this old soviet block (this visit Russian Prime Minister Mr. Kasianov's in Poland) will not prevent this tragedy has caused this zionistic (communist) irresponsibility in Europe and in your Country what confirm this silence and blockade my matter in your Supreme Court.
The return on this legal way is the only rescue that this totalitarian worldly financial system will change (without of the stop this stock exchange) and thereby that this progressive global centralization (communism) will stop. The admission to of the introduction this substitute "euro" (no currency) in the West Europe (expansion of this zionistic communism on the all Europe) in the situation of the blockade this democratic and legal solution for the all European nations it exactly a tragic misunderstanding which to charge directly this former team Mr. Clinton's. The globalization understood as the result of the introduction this free market and currency, new technology and an adaptation to of this free trade (division of the work in World) as the extension of this democracy in World, yes! but no globalization understood as the expansion of this totalitarian zionistic communism (centralization) in World what result from the maintenance of this zionistic financial control only by means of these G-7 currencies and these zionistic (communist) agencies which to exterminate these violated nations therein Polish, Russian and others.
I underline once again that the none seeming changes have realized in Europe by this zionistic (communist) band as for example: this change Mr. Milosevic's on Mr. Kostunica's or this drawing of this zionistic ace in Italy (Mr. Berlusconi) and others as this zionistic election in England or later in Poland will not stop this destruction which to lead directly to of this catastrophe also on Middle East and in your Country if this matter will not be considered by your Supreme Court immediately.
This zionistic (communist) economical bomb must be disarmed therefore cannot tolerate the none zionistic manipulation and these mass mediums specialists as: editors, journalists, producers and presenters should differentiate between this democratic United Europe with this single European currency and this totalitarian European Union with this substitute "euro" what I explained earlier. 
The mixture of these both concepts (conscious or not) it not only a zionistic (communist) manipulation but exactly the zionistic (communist) crimes what confirm this situation on Balkans and Middle East.
Taking into consideration the above facts once again I apply for the immediate direction of this very serious matter to your Supreme Court as the only way of the issue from this zionistic (communist) destruction in Europe and World.
This decision in this very serious matter is in your hands (for reason of this European irresponsibility and legal crime in Council of Europe) therefore if it is necessary you should consider will grant me American nationality or my political emigration to your Country as the witness for the prosecution against this unlawful European (therein Polish) blockade my complaint No. 26617/95.
For the evident reasons this e-mail letter (the same as the earlier correspondences which have confirmed this legal violence) will be published in "news" on my Web as below.
I hope so (after the above explanations) this responsible decision will be undertook before this visit Mr. Bush's in Poland and before this meeting Mr. Bush's and Mr. Putin's on Balkans.
With best wishes,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6


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