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Załącznik :                                                                                                    wiad2

 ----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: Complaint against US Government and Congress (Human Rights)

I kindly request you for the immediate transmission this e-mail document as below to the Chief Justice of the United States Mr. William H. Rehnquist.
For the evident reasons this e-mail document will be published on my Webs as below.
With the best regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6
                                                                                                             Gdynia September 11, 2003

Chief Justice of the United States



Associate Justices










1 First Street, N.E.

Washington, DC 20543

Re: Complaint against US Government (has represented now by Mr. George W. Bush) and Congress.

In accordance with the Article III Section 2 United States Constitution’s I direct my case (against US Government and Congress) to your Supreme Court as the last resort of the stop this worldly destruction therein these European (also Polish) and US economies.

The evidences (details) in this case are presented on my Webs as below:




http://strony.wp.pl/wp/stankaczmarek  or  http://stankaczmarek.webpark.pl


The all documents (mail and e-mail) in this case since 1992 year were sent to the former Clinton’s Administration and up to this moment to the Congress and present Bush’s Administration.

In February 21, 2003 I sent you via e-mail form on your Web a copy my e-mail sent to US and UN Authorities that not admit to of this unlawful aggression on Iraq in the situation of the blockade my very serious case in your Supreme Court which have a fundamental significance for the Polish, European and your economies and thereby nations. This case has also a fundamental significance for the peace and democracy on the Middle East  therefore I have counted on your activity which should prevent this unlawful action against Iraq.

Unfortunately to of this unlawful and unfounded aggression on Iraq has admitted what created the situation that US Government and Congress are greatest terrorist organizations taking into consideration this fact that my very serious case is blocked all the time in Poland, Europe and your Country and also this fact that United Nations Organization were not and is not able to take further any steps that to stop this Bush’s (Blair’s) lawlessness in the such difficult (critical) moment for the World.

This is a formal complaint directed to your independent Supreme Court against USA (Government and Congress) for reason of the next consequences:

1. The violence me, my family and my nation by this Polish political (Zionistic) band (parties) which has governed the Polish nation since 1945 year as the consequence of this Jaltan partition. The present expropriation (financial and material) of the Polish nation has realized within the confines of this Polish totalitarian (communist) system as the adaptation to of the building this great totalitarian communist (Zionistic) European Union is a criminal activity which to cause the biological extermination of the Polish nation. This is a Zionistic crime directed against this Polish humanity. Similarly is in the other East European Countries.

2. The violence of these West European nations (especially French and German) by these political (Zionistic) bands which have built this totalitarian European Union by means of this substitute “euro” (no currency) as the global (central or communist) process forced by the maintenance of this present worldly financial system has controlled by this Zionistic financial establishment in USA. Such control is possible only by means of:

  2a. These Zionistic bands in World which have controlled these violated nations by means of these totalitarian government systems adapted to of the substitutes (no currencies).

  2b. These international financial Institutions as the Worldly Bank, International Monetary Fund, Paris Club and so on which under a pretence of the help these nations really they have laundered the currencies (dollar, pound) in these totalitarian countries which have acted as the big laundries.

3. The violence of the American nation which manipulated and disinformed by these mass mediums (controlled financially) has not known what is up that to rise the bankruptcy and thereby unemployment in your Country have caused exactly by the limitation of these demands in the World and thereby in USA. The centralization (globalization) has limited the currencies in this worldly financial rotation (for example an introduction of this substitute “euro” in Europe).

4. The conscious provocation of these dramatic and tragic events around the World (also WTC in the past) therein on: Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus, Asia, Africa and so on as the answer on this Zionistic financial violence. 

There are facts.


The worldly situation is now dramatic and tragic because this Zionistic criminal manipulation and disinformation in World (now in USA) has reached the top of the irresponsibility and this unlawful and unfounded aggression on Iraq confirm above.

The lack of the UN reaction in the moment of this unlawful aggression on Iraq ( a calling of the General Assembly) has confirmed also this dependency (not only financial) of the UNO from this financial establishment in USA and thereby from US Government and Congress. The resolution No 1483 has passed by the Security Council confirm in fully this dependency of the UNO from this financial establishment in USA and an assumption of this Development Fund (petrodollars) for Iraq has controlled and monitored by the UN representative, IMF, World Bank, Arab Fund and Paris Club it is the next step of this lawlessness, which have nothing common with a building of this democracy in Iraq and thereby a freedom of the Iraqi nation.

These resources (petrodollars) as the part of this Iraqi financial system adapted to of this Iraqi new currency are the ownership of the Iraqi nation and only elected democratic Government (no next servile dictator) in Iraq is authorized to the administration them.

The fundamental problem is how? to introduce (only under the control of the United Nations Organization) this democratic government system adapted to of this new Iraqi currency, which should assure these equal rights for the all Iraqi nation therein for Kurds.

The present occupation of the Iraqi nation by means of these American, British, Polish, Spanish  and other forces is inadmissible in accordance with this International Law (Conventions) and these forces should be replaced immediately by the UNO forces as the legal representative of the United Nations Organization (Security Council).

Unfortunately the present UNO (for the evident reasons) is not able to take now the none decision in this case has limited the own activity to of this unlawful resolution No 1483 which to exclude a building of this democratic government system in Iraq.

How you see! This worldly situation (especially now on Middle East) is dramatic and very complicated therefore Your Supreme Court as the independent (you are irrevocable) third part of the American democracy must consider my case against US Government and Congress as the last resort that to break this devastation of this worldly economy therein your economy and that to legal activate these UNO Institutions (therein: General Assembly, International Tribunal and so on) which should act in accordance with this International Law therein these European Conventions. The key to an introduction of the above changes is a disclosure of this very serious case and thereby an immediate consideration by your Supreme Court.

The other way of the stop this worldly destruction (also this drama of the American families) has not in the situation when American Government and Congress have taken this unlawful decision (aggression on Iraq) at the same time protecting:

·        This Polish political band (political parties without exception) which has destroyed the Polish nation biological, material, financial and moral since 1945 year [in this Polish totalitarian financial rotation (year) is now ~ 250 billion zloty (4 zloty=1 dollar) and should be ~ 4,5 trillion zloty as in the normal democratic government system adapted to of the new Polish currency for 40 million nation].

·        These European political bands which have built (by the force) this totalitarian (central) communist European Union with this substitute “euro” against the all European nations (therein especially German and French). The decrease of these German resources In Mark ~ 500 billion for reason of the takeover this West German financial control over this East Germen economy what was transferred in this “euro”.

·        These other totalitarian agencies in World as for example in: Russian Federation, China, Asia, Africa and so on.

 and  blocking my legal case (democratic solution) in your Country therein in Mass Mediums.

I underline that is impossible a building of this real democratic United Europe with this new single European currency (an increase of these demands) without:

 1.      An introduction in Poland (other East European Countries) of this democratic government system adapted to of the new Polish currency (financial and material enfranchisement of the Polish nation).

2.      A decentralization (especially financial and structural) of these West European government systems (minimalization of these subsidies especially on the agriculture).

There are next facts.

The realization of the above is possible “only” in the situation of the receiving this legal decision from your Supreme Court as the legal ground to of the renegotiation of these International treaties (as the result of this Jaltan partition), agreements, contracts and an annulment of these debts which to make impossible an introduction of this real democratic government system adapted to of the currency in these totalitarian Countries. This  democratic process should be realized individually for the every Country (introduced gradually) that to enable an adaptation of this worldly financial system to of these new structural and economical conditions (increase of these currencies in World and thereby of these demands) .

Only from your “independent” decision will be depend if the World (therein USA) come back on this legal way (Conventions) or this communist centralization (globalization) especially now in your Country will be realized until a total collapse of this present worldly financial system and thereby economies.

This is a last legal chance of the stop this worldly economical devastation especially now in your Country which will lead to of this global catastrophe.

I have a hope so my case in accordance with your maxim “Equal Justice Under Law” will be settled emergency as first for the purpose of the maximum limitation:

  • These losses in your  economy which have resulted from this permanent limitation of these demands in World therein in Europe (especially in these East European Countries), Russian Federation, China, Asia , Africa, Middle East and so on. The rise of these bankruptcies in your Country and thereby the cases directed against US Government ( Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, WorldCom and so on) are “legal justification” in the situation of the  blockade my case which as the only solution may stop this worldly economic devastation (reduction of these demands) and thereby a gradually improvement of these demands in World (therein in Europe) and thereby in your economy. The cuts of these taxes and interest rates have realized by Mr. Greenspan’s are correct but these profits from above (for American nation) only minimum balanced these worldly losses have transferred by this worldly financial system on your economy. There are facts.
  • These mortal victims (casualties) as the consequence of these unfounded and unjustified wars (Middle East, Balkans, Caucasus, Africa, Asia, Latin America) have led only for the change of these disobedient dictators on these submissive dictators (towards your Government) who financially dependent from your financial establishment are able to the every activity (therein this crime and murder) against the own nations.
  • This genocide of these whole nations therein: Chechyan, Palestinian, Jewish and others which violated by these obedient Zionistic agencies (towards your Government and financial establishment) have born the casualties on the large scale.
  • This biological extermination of these nations especially these East European nations (therein Polish) which violated by these obedient Zionistic agencies (towards your Government and financial establishment) since 1945 year have born the consequences (also financial and material) of this Jaltan partition. If may be silent? In the situation when these European Zionistic agencies have built this great totalitarian (communist) European Union against the all European nations or when this Polish Zionistic agency (against the Polish nation will) has sent the Polish soldiers (on this Zionistic war in Iraq) against Iraqi nation which has a right to be free and to live in democratic Iraq.
If you want to continue further above by the blockade of this only solution (my legal case) in your Supreme Court  and thereby in these Mass Mediums which have participated in this criminal manipulation?
I underline once again that only this gradual introduction of this democratic government system adapted to of the currency (with your legal consent and under the control of UNO) is the only solution that  will stop these tragic events in World and thereby in your Country.

The play has led by these Zionistic agencies (therein these Secret Services) in World in the confines of this present worldly financial system (a gradual decrease of these currencies in World and thereby the increase of these substitutes in World what is unambiguous with the change of this less democratic government system by this more totalitarian government system for example in Europe) is the crime directed against the all humanity.

Only this gradual introduction of this democratic government system adapted to of the currency (beginning from Poland) in World [thereby the change of this personal structure in UNO (Security Council and so on)] is a guarantee of the creation this Palestinian State and of the building this real democratic United Europe with this single European currency, democratic Russian Federation, democratic Chinese Federation (Hong Kong and Tibet), democratic Asian Federation, democratic United Africa, democratic Middle East Federation and so on.

This is the only way to of the stop this worldly economic destruction that will avoid of this global catastrophe as the result of the lack this personal responsibility (not only these worldly leaders) and of the lack this complying of the International Law (Conventions).

“Equal Justice Under Law” - Is that true?

With the hope,

Yours Sincerely,

Stanislaw Kaczmarek

81-158 Gdynia

ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6


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