List do Prezydenta Bush-a i Kwaśniewskiego
To jest ostatni list do Pana Bush-a i (pierwszy i
ostatni) do Pana Kwaśniewskiego, który jako Prezydent reprezentuje
tą totalitarną strukturę w Polsce co wynika z utrzymania obecnego
światowego systemu finansowego kontrolowanego przez ten
syjonistvczny finansowy establishment w USA.
Mr. Bush & Mr. Kwaśniewski ! (oryginał)
This is a last legal chance of the issue from this
dramatic situation in World also in USA and Europe therefore I apply
to you as to the legal responsible persons (for this unlawful
blockade my case down in Poland Mr. Kwasniewski and up there in USA
Mr. Bush) for the immediate direction my very serious case to
American Supreme Court's as the only solution for Poland, Europe and
World (therein for USA and Middle East).
Without of this legal decision (edited
by American Supreme Court) is impossible:
Introduction in Poland of this
real democratic government system adapted to of this national
Polish currency defined on the ground of this stock exchange
index [financial and material enfranchisement of the Polish
nation and thereby the increase of these financial resources
from 60 billion dollars (in substitute) to of these ~950 billion
dollars (in currency) in this financial rotation as in the
normal democratic government system],
Building of this real democratic
United Europe with this single European currency (no substitute
"euro") after an introduction in other East European Countries
of this real democratic government systems adapted to of these
national currencies and after an adaptation (decentralization)
of these West European government systems to of this free trade
and free market,
Building of this real democracy
on the ground of this free market in the other Countries and
Federations for example in Russia , China, Asia, Africa, Middle
East, America and so on,
the present tragic situation in Poland, Europe and World has
confirmed it.
I underline again for American Government (especially
Mr. Bush) an Congress (also for these European pseudo socialists and
communists) that this further building of this totalitarian European
Union (centralization of Europe) "is very
menaced" for the all worldly nations therein American,
Palestinian and Jewish.
This communist centralization (globalization) of
the world (therein USA) has forced by this Zionistic financial
establishment in USA (a maintenance of this worldly totalitarian
financial system) over this International Law (Conventions) must be
broken "now" because the further continuation of this Zionistic
financial politics will finish dramatically and tragically for the
all especially for American nation in USA and Jewish nation in
The none inside changes (therein a call of this
European Union Convent) in this present totalitarian worldly
financial system will not stop this tragedy which to follow as the
consequence of the continuation this blockade and thereby a
continuation of this Zionistic murderous manipulation in Mass
Mediums especially now in Europe (therein in Poland) and USA.
Walesa and Clinton (therein this Zionistic agency
in European Union) who have admitted since 1991 year to of this
dramatic and tragic situation are criminals but you will be the
genocides if to admit to of this further blockade this case in Mass
Mediums and thereby to of this further blockade my case in American
Supreme Court.
The present situation is very serious and in this
dramatic situation may follow (also in Poland, USA and Middle East)
these unforeseen tragic events (therein maybe this nuclear attack on
USA) which will lead to of the destruction this worldly totalitarian
financial system and to of the genocide these whole nations therein
American and Jewish.
If you want to admit to above by the continuation
of this Zionistic play therein this murderous manipulation ?
With best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek