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inne strony : http://www.amber.freewebsitehosting.com / http://www.stankaczmarek.republika.pl / http://stankaczmarek.w.interia.pl / http://www.stanislawkaczmarek.pl

E-Maile do US Kongresu, Rządu i Mass Mediów

1) Do amerykańskiego Kongresu:

---- Original Message -----
To: Evan Bayh ; Mike Crapo ; Thomas Carper ; Barbara Boxer ; John Warner ; George Voinovich ; Robert Torricelli ; Strom Thurmond ; Fred Thompson ; Ted Stevens ; Debbie Stabenow ; Arlen Specter ; Olympia Snowe ; Bob Smith ; Richard Shelby ; Jeff Sessions ; Charles Schumer ; John Rockefeller IV ; Jack Reed ; Don Nickles ; Bill Nelson ; Patty Murray ; Barbara Mikulski ; Mitch McConnell ; John McCain ; Richard Lugar ; Trent Lott ; Blanche Lincoln ; Carl Levin ; Patrick Leahy ; Jon Kyl ; Herb Kohl ; John Kerry ; Tim Johnson ; Edward Kennedy ; James Jeffords ; Tim Hutchinson ; Kay Bailey Hutchinson ; Jesse Helms ; Orrin G. Hatch ; Tom Harkin ; Charles Hagel ; Judd Gregg ; Phil Gramm ; Bob Graham ; William Frist ; Peter Fitzgerald ; Dianne Feinstein ; Russell Feingold ; Mike Enzi ; Richard Durbin ; Byron Dorgan ; Pete Domenici ; Christopher Dodd ; Thomas Daschle ; Kent Conrad ; Susan Collins ; Thad Cohran ; Hillary Clinton ; Lincoln Chafee ; Jean Carnahan ; Robert Byrd ; Conrad Burns ; Jim Bunning ; Sam Brownback ; John Breaux ; Jeff Bingaman ; Joseph Biden Jr ; Robert Bennet
Cc: James E. Clyburn ; Jerry F. Costello ; Tom Davis ; Rod R. Blagojevich ; Julia Carson ; Benjamin L. Cardin ; John Conyers Jr. ; John Cooksey ; Christopher Cox ; Howard Coble ; Cass Ballenger ; Bob Clement ; Sanford D. Bishop Jr. ; John E. Baldacci ; Robert Aderholt ; Brian Baird ; Charles Bass ; Howard Berman ; Sherrod Brown ; Robert E. "Bud" Cramer ; Elton Gallegly ; Sam Farr ; Rodney Frelinghuysen ; Virgil H. Goode ; Greg Ganske ; Porter Goss ; Martin Olav Sabo ; Mark Green ; Jim Gibbons ; Louise Slaughter ; Jose E. Serrano ; Jeff Flake ; J. D. Hayworth ; Jane Harman ; John Shadegg ; Eni F.H. Faleomavaega ; John Doolittle ; Robert C."Bobby" ; George Gekas ; Alcee L. Hastings ; Steve Rothman ; Robert L. Ehrlich ; Zoe Lofgren ; Bob Menendez ; Frank LoBiondo ; John M. McHugh ; Charles W. Pickering ; Nancy Pelosi ; Richard Pombo ; John Murtha ; Marge Roukema ; Earl Pomeroy ; John E. Peterson ; Dana Rohrabacher ; John J. Duncan Jr. ; Lindsey Graham ; Deborah Pryce ; Jim Turner ; Cliff Stearns ; Adam Smith ; Christopher Shays ; Lynn N. Rivers ; Dennis Moore ; Nancy L. Johnson ; Bernie Sanders ; Curt Weldon ; David Vitter ; Wes Watkins ; Nydia M. Velazquez ; Anthony D. Weiner ; Ellen Tauscher ; Tim Roemer ; James A. Traficant Jr ; Bart Stupak ; Lee Terry ; F. James Sensenbrenner ; Ronnie Shows ; Roger Wicker ; John E. Sununu ; J. C. Watts ; Carolyn Maloney ; Nick Rahall ; Jim Ramstad ; Ike Skelton ; Loretta Sanchez ; Robert A. Underwood ; Greg Walden ; David Price ; Brad Sherman ; Bob Stump ; C.W. Bill Young ; Bill Thomas ; Bob Riley ; Harold Rogers ; Wiliam J Jefferson ; Paul Kanjorski ; Susan Davis ; Harold Ford ; Sam Graves ; Patrick Kennedy ; Mark Kennedy ; Mike Doyle ; Lane Evans ; Henry Brown ; Jim Barcia ; Tammy Baldwin ; Denny Hastert ; Neil Abercrombie ; Gary Ackerman ; Anibal Acevedo-Vila ; Sonny Callahan ; Tood Akin ; Tom Barrett
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:11 AM
Subject: Human Rights

Super Important Case!                                            Gdynia 8. January, 2002
American Congresswomen and Congressmen,
I apply to you directly (only by the e-mail addresses no Web) because I have orientated (in your Webs) that my very important case especially now for your nation has not reached to you. The blockade of the access to information it not only a manipulation but also the false decisions and thereby the false legislative bills and so on.
The worldly situation is dramatic and tragic (expansion of this zionistic communism in World and especially now in USA) therefore my case must be directed to your Supreme Court as the only way of the stop this communist expansion. From your responsible decision (passed  bill) depend if this destructive process will be stopped.
The further information in News (date 8. January, 2002) on my home page in Web
Please send this information to your friends Congressmen and Congresswomen who have not individual e-mail or Webmaster addresses.
The best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6


2) Do amerykańskiego Rządu:


----- Original Message -----

From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek

Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:01 AM
Subject: Human rights

Super Important!                                                     Gdynia 8. January, 2002
For your information- to see News from 8.January, 2002 on my Web (home page)
The best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6


3) Do światowych Mass Mediów:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: Human rights

Super Important!                                                  Gdynia 8. January, 2002
For your information- to see enclosure and News from 8.January, 2002 on my Web (home page)
The best wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Stanislaw Kaczmarek
81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6


Niestety brak reakcji mimo potwierdzeń otrzymania tych e-maili.

Z Poważaniem,

Stanisław Kaczmarek



  projekt strony: lukasz kaczmarek