Podstawa prawna protestu
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inne strony : http://www.amber.freewebsitehosting.com / http://www.stankaczmarek.republika.pl / http://stankaczmarek.w.interia.pl / http://www.stanislawkaczmarek.pl

E-maile wysłane do uzupełnienia(11/02/2003)

E-mails to US, UN and ITF Authorities,

----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: Umraomal Purohit ; John Halas
Cc: Dick Cheney ; Gilbert Guillaume ; John Ashcroft ; George W. Bush ; Kofi Annan
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 7:04 PM
Subject: Human Rights

ITF President                             Gdynia 18. December, 2002Mr

Umraomal Purohit
General Secretary
Panhellenic Seamen's Federation
Mr. John Halas

On my web www.amber.freewebsitehosting.com in link "legal ground of this Protest" (to see International Transport Workers' Federation case) I presented the last documents from and to ITF. The lack of the answers on my letters sent to the former President ITF Mr. Jim Hunter's also to Special Seafarers Department Mr. Martin Raicheva-Wedge's [ case No S/C3/MR-W in ITF] has caused that:A deprivation me of this due compensation [after my accident at work on the board of this Greek tanker "Athenian Harmony" in January, 1988 year] from the Greek shipowner's " Blue Corint Marine l.t.d ".This case as the part of the all my complaint No 26617/95 (registration date) was lodged in 1993 year to the Commission of Human Rights (Council of Europe) at Strasbourg.
This unlawful (political) blockade my complaint No 26617/95 in Council of Europe (European Court) in 1997 year [as the consequence of this understanding between NATO (Solana) and Russia (Primakov) signed in Madrid] has caused that I was forced a direction my case to US Supreme Court through American Government and Congress. Unfortunately this political blockade is further continued now in USA therefore again I apply to the new ITF's Management for the renovation of these negotiations with this Greek shipowner " Blue Corint Marine l.t.d, " for the agreement of the such compensation which will be satisfyed these both sides if this International Labour Office (ILO) Convention No 55 Articless 5 and 11 is not concerning me what confirm this blockade my case in Council of Europe (European Court) and US Supreme Court. The further deprivation me of this due compensation in this dramatic situation of the Polish nation (therein especially me and my family) will be simply the crime. With best wishes, 

Yours Sincerely 

Stanislaw Kaczmarek

81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6

and earlier

 ----- Original Message -----From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: Gilbert Guillaume ; Kofi Annan
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: Human Rights

----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: John Snow ; Tommy Thompson ; Colin Powell ; John Ashcroft ; Don Evans ; Dick Cheney ; George W. Bush
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 8:58 PM
Subject: Human Rights

Very Urgent !                                         (copy)                         Gdynia 24. November, 2002 


 I apply again tu you for the immediate enacting of this bill which will direct my case to your Supreme Court as the only way of the stop this destructive economical process in World therein in Poland, Europe and America. On my Web www.amber.freewebsitehosting.com or www.stankaczmarek.republika.pl in "News" dated 31. October, 2002 I explained in detail how function this self destructive financial mechanism in World and what the consequences must follow (especially in US economy) in a situation of the continuation this irresponsible financial politics in World therein in Europe [ building of this great totalitarian (communist) European Union ]. The future of the nations therein Polish, European, American, Russian and others is in your hands and from you decision will be depended if this global tragedy follow or not. I hope so after this suggested reading you will be able to take this very important decision because without of this legal decision from your Supreme Court is impossible a stop of this economical devastation in these East and West European Countries and thereby is impossible a building od this real democracy in World therein especially in Poland (other East European Countries) and in Europe (building of this real democratic United Europe).

 With best wishes, 

Yours Sincerely,

Stanislaw Kaczmarek

E-mails to Greek and British Prime Ministers,

 ----- Original Message -----From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: webmaster@pmo.gov.uk
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 9:28 PM
Subject: For Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair (Human Rights)

----- Original Message -----
From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: hr-net@hri.org
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 9:28 PM
Subject: For Greek Prime Minister (Human Rights)
----- Original Message -----From: Stanislaw Kaczmarek
To: Umraomal Purohit ; John Halas
Cc: Dick Cheney ; Gilbert Guillaume ; John Ashcroft ; George W. Bush ; Kofi Annan
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 7:04 PM
Subject: Human Rights

ITF President                                                  Gdynia 18. December, 2002Mr.

Umraomal Purohit
General Secretary
Panhellenic Seamen's Federation
Mr. John Halas

On my web www.amber.freewebsitehosting.com in link "legal ground of this Protest" (to see International Transport Workers' Federation case) I presented the last documents from and to ITF. The lack of the answers on my letters sent to the former President ITF Mr. Jim Hunter's also to Special Seafarers Department Mr. Martin Raicheva-Wedge's [ case No S/C3/MR-W in ITF] has caused that:A deprivation me of this due compensation [after my accident at work on the board of this Greek tanker "Athenian Harmony" in January, 1988 year] from the Greek shipowner's " Blue Corint Marine l.t.d ".This case as the part of the all my complaint No 26617/95 (registration date) was lodged in 1993 year to the Commission of Human Rights (Council of Europe) at Strasbourg.
This unlawful (political) blockade my complaint No 26617/95 in Council of Europe (European Court) in 1997 year [as the consequence of this understanding between NATO (Solana) and Russia (Primakov) signed in Madrid] has caused that I was forced a direction my case to US Supreme Court through American Government and Congress. Unfortunately this political blockade is further continued now in USA therefore again I apply to the new ITF's Management for the renovation of these negotiations with this Greek shipowner " Blue Corint Marine l.t.d, " for the agreement of the such compensation which will be satisfyed these both sides if this International Labour Office (ILO) Convention No 55 Articless 5 and 11 is not concerning me what confirm this blockade my case in Council of Europe (European Court) and US Supreme Court. The further deprivation me of this due compensation in this dramatic situation of the Polish nation (therein especially me and my family) will be simply the crime. With best wishes, 

Yours Sincerely 

Stanislaw Kaczmarek

81-158 Gdynia
ul. Turkusowa 8 B/6

If in this situation I may be silent? When these Zionistic bands in Poland, Europe and now in USA have deprived me this due compensation after my accident (1998) on the board of this Greek tanker "Athenian Harmony".


 projekt strony: lukasz kaczmarek